Home Again

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Dahlia's POV

My mother wants to talk to me? How does Hera know? Also, why doesn't she just call me? I walk back to school into my dorm where the girls are packing. "We're good to go" Selina tells me as she sees me walk in.

"Great. I need to call my mom. Can you give these to Madelyn and Rachel?" I ask her tossing the comb and chocker to her before putting on the necklace. "Comb is for Maddie, and chocker is for Rach," I tell her.

"What are they for?" She asks, "Trench Creatures. I'll explain more just make sure Rachel doesn't accidentally summon the trench creatures" I state. "You got it" She replies flying out of the dorms.

I get up to my room and call my mom from my phone but it just goes straight to voicemail. "Come on, pick up," I say to myself. I try calling her one more time before calling Sierra who picks up on the first ring. "Hey Daph what's up?" She asks.

"Hera said mom wanted to talk to me but she's not picking up" I explain, "Give me a sec" She replies. "Mother! Daphne wants to talk to you!" I hear her yell. "Are you at home?" I ask her, "Yeah. Grandma is with mom I think" She replies, "That makes more sense."

"Sierra there is no need to yell in our house as if you are a commoner" I hear my grandmother say. "Sorry grandmother" Sierra apologizes. "Diana isn't home right now, tell your sister to return home" I hear her say.

"Sierra put me on speaker," I tell her, "Got it. You're on speaker now" She replies. "With all due respect grandmother, I'm about to leave for a mission," I tell her, "I am aware Daphne but this is a matter of most importance" She replies. "Very well, but as soon as it's done I'm leaving," I tell her, "Of course."

I hang up the phone and quickly pack everything before flying it down to the entrance of the dorm. "Maggie!" I call, Maggie appears beside me in an instant. "What is it?" She asks, "Can you let everyone know I'm going to Themyscira? There's an urgent matter but I'll be back. Just hold off on the launch" I tell her, "Okay. Good luck with whatever it is" She replies. "Thanks."

As soon as I land my jet I am greeted by many Amazons. There my mother is waiting for me by the door with Supergirl and Batgirl. "Mother. Grandmother said you weren't home" I say, "I wasn't, we just arrived a few minutes before you did," She tells me.

"Come." I walk with her, Supergirl, and Batgirl to her room. "How are you already in your queen outfit if you just got home?" I ask noticing her outfit, and how her superhero outfit is sitting in a neatly folded pile on a stool near the door.

"Dahlia sweetheart. We're superheroes remember?" She reminds me, "Oh yeah." She walks towards her bed where I notice a lasso is hung up. "I have something to tell you" She starts, "The lasso you have isn't the Lasso of Truth," She tells me. "What?" I ask not sure if I heard her correctly.

"What do you mean it's not real?" I ask her, "It's a fake that Batgirl made using genetic technology that makes people believe that they are being forced to tell the truth" She replies. "So it's like a replica of the Lasso of Truth?" I ask, "Yes." "This..." She replies taking the lasso off the wall, "Is the real Lasso of Truth" She states holding it out.

"You will need this on your mission" She states placing it into my hands. Well, that explains why Brayden was able to resist the lasso. It wasn't the real lasso. "Why are you giving this to me now?" I ask.

"You are against a hazardous force. While it's obvious that the adults should go against these villains, we can't. They have too much information about us. However, you will need all the help you can get" She tells me.

"Which is why, there are a few more things," Batgirl says. Supergirl pulls out a box and opens it. Inside there are five white lantern rings. "Somehow Hal Jordan was able to convince the lantern corps into returning our white lantern rings." My mother explains.

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