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Kiana's POV

"Babysitting. Wonderful" Barnett mutters, Daphne just glares at him before he raises his hands up in defeat.

"Wonder Girl what do you need?" I ask, "You two are probably the sneakest heroes we have. Once we land, I want you both to sneak off the ship first and scout." Dahlia explains, "It's going to be really risky, are you up for it?" Samuel asks. I look to River, we're thinking the exact same thing. "When have we ever backed down from a challenge," We say. 

Daph gives us a smile. "Good, because we're approaching proximity soon." She tells us. We stare at her. "Wait actually?" River asks, "Yeah. Get ready and then get a good night's sleep. You'll probably be up at around four in the morning" She tells us. "We're not even close though" I point out, "For now. Hyperspeed is turning once the meeting's finished" She replies.

River looks at me. "Is she serious?" He asks, I look back at Dahlia who just smiles back. "Very" I reply. River groans, "Great..." He says before turning back to look at Dahlia. "You couldn't tell us earlier why?" He complains, Daph shrugs "Keeps you on your feet" She replies. He then looks to me once again, "Weapon's room?" He asks, I nod "Yeah. Let's go."

River and I make our way to the weapons room. "Where are we even supposed to bring?" I ask, "Bring the Soultaker obviously, your sword in case of if you want to double wield. You can hide a smaller melee in your Supersuit. Maybe a combat knife or sai. You're good with Melees." He tells me, "I know you have your ninja stars, so you can bring those...them or throwing knives."

"We also don't want to carry too many or else it'll interfere with our combat" I point out, "That's true" He replies. "Between the both of us, I think if you bring for instance your throwing stars, I won't need to bring the throwing knives."He states. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot some very familiar weapons. 

"Riv! Here" I say grabbing the Ecrisma Sticks, tossing them to him. He catches them and looks over them closer. "How high is the tase set? I know Barnett modified it but not sure by how much." He questions, "Neither am I. I'd say take our chances with them because we have no idea what could happen or what might happen" I state. "You've got a point there" He replies.

"Question. Can you use your melee weapons with brass knuckles on?" He asks, "Yeah. Pretty sure" I reply mostly confident. He tosses me two black brass knuckles matching the ones he puts on afterwards. I catch them with two fingers and slide them over my fingers. Normally you would have to hold them, but ours thankfully are technologically modified so that they'll stay on even if we're not holding them.

"Okay let's see. Riv are you better with throwing knives or shuriken?" I ask him, "Or which is better to bring?" I add. "I mean if you somehow manage to lose your swords, or I manage to lose my batons, the knives would be a good temporary replacement. However, throwing stars give us more options throwing-wise...And I suppose are also more convenient. But then again the knives allow us to exert more force" He states.

I look at what I have right now. Two katanas, a combat knife that I might replace with a sai, and brass knuckles. River has his Ecrisma sticks, a staff that he grabbed from below the katanas, the brass knuckles, and a laser scalpel he put on the inside of his super suit. "Your call," He tells me, noticing I'm observing our current weapons. 

We already have many stick-like melee weapons, and we would be able to bring more throwing stars than knives. "Okay. We'll bring the shuriken" I announce. It does bother me that even though River has a staff, batons, and a laser scalpel, he doesn't have any kind of knife on him. I grab a sai from the rack where the shorter melee weapons are. I hand River my combat knife and replace it with the sai. 

"Just in case. Keep it on the inside of your super suit next to the laser scalpel," I tell him. "Thanks, Kit" He replies. "I think we're good on weapons right? A Katana, a soul-taking katana, staff, taser-wired batons, a sai, combat knife, laser scalpel, brass knuckles, and throwing stars." I state, "One more thing," He tells me grabbing a shock baton and nunchucks off the wall. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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