Light And Dark

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Dahlia's POV:

"Alright, we're about to land" Molly states walking from the front of the plane to the center where everyone else is. 

"Remember the plan. Dahlia, Selina, and Bianca you both know this place the best so Daph you'll lead a group with the help of Matilda, Selina, you'll lead a group with the help of me, and Bianca, you'll lead the third group with the help of Faith, and Sierra will help guide" Molly explains.

"Group 1 is Dahlia Jade, Issac, Brooke, River, Seraphina, and I. Group 2 is Selina, Molly, Hannah, Fernandez, Saph and Brynn, and finally, group 3 is Bianca, Faith, Kiana, Serenity, Maggie, Jay, Shiro, and Sierra" Matilda announces. 

 The plane lands and the door opens. "Split!" Faith shouts as we all rush out. Themyscira looked like a disaster. There were gems everywhere and there was a... void? portal? some sort of dark thing in the center of town. How did they even do that?

"Alright, we're in charge of eliminating Lunara. Has anyone found her yet?" Matilda asks. We all start searching. Half of flying upwards, the others searching the ground, and Brooke and River scanning the area. 

"Over here!" Jade calls, I look over and she's near the entrance of the forest, I immediately fly over to her, "Check this out" I call to the others once I see what she was looking at. Lunara was creating a summoning circle of some sort. What could she possibly want with that?

Issac floats up using the vines he created right behind us. "Woah, what is that?" He asks, "It's a summoning circle" I explain, "What's she planning to do with it?" Seraphina asks flying over River, Brooklyn, and Matilda. "Whatever it is, it's definitely not good" Matilda states, "What do we do?" River asks, "We get rid of it" Seraphina states.

"How?" Issac asks, "Easy, we just remove it" She answers. "Um, Easier said than done" I interrupt. They look at me, "Why?" Issac asks, "The markings are engraved into the stone. She's already put magic in it, we can't destroy it unless we want to summon whatever it is she's summoning" I say, "Really? I've read about this before, but it didn't mention anything like that" Jade asks. "Themyscira magic" I answer, "Oh, makes sense." 

"Daph's knows what she's talking about. We're going to need another way" Matilda speaks up. "Dahlia do you know how we stop it?" River asks me, "We freeze it. But it has to be frozen for at least twenty minutes in order to stop the magic" I reply. 

"Twenty Minutes?" Brooke asks, "Affirmative."

"We're going to need Faith for that" Matilda announces, "And Selina, she has freeze breath" I add. I know we'll need more people than just those two. Twenty minutes is a lot, to use our powers consistently, without a recharge break, that's tough. 

*Around 15 minutes later*

Fernandez's POV:

"Brooke time check!" Matilda called to Brooke who was timing everything her wrist com, "Eighteen minutes, twenty-seven seconds!" She called back, "Come on girls! We're almost done!" Matilda told the girls. Faith, Selina and Dahlia were trying to freeze the summoning circle while Jade, Issac, River, and Seraphine kept an eye on Lunara, but I still didn't know why I was here.

"I'm out! I can't!" Selina called out, seconds later Dahlia dropped too, and Faith was getting weak. "Come on Faith! Around a minute twenty seconds left. You got this!" Brooklyn informed her. Faith was getting tired. Themescira is a very warm place, using her powers non-stop for twenty minutes without any time to recharge, not to mention her possibly overheating, she was going to be so tired. 

"One minute left!"




"Forty Five seconds!"




"Thirty seconds!"




"Ten seconds!"










Faith stopped as we watched the engravings fully freeze over before Faith dropped on the ground. "Faith!" Immediately we all rushed over to her, "What do we do?" Selina asked Matilda and Daph. 

"She needs to cool down, that used a lot of her power" I inform them, Fernandez is right, Faith might not be able to use her powers for at least a month if we don't cool her down in the next six minutes twenty-three seconds. Twenty-two, twenty-one-" "We got it Brooke!"

Dahlia snapped her fingers, "Fernandez race around Faith and try and make an ice ring" She instructs, I look at her confused. Did I hear her right? She wants me to make ice? I'm not Felix, neither am I Fiona.

"I don't have ice powers," I tell her, "Just try, focus on creating ice when you shuffle your feet. Trust me" I mean she is the princess so I don't really have a choice. I take a deep breath before circling Faith, at first it just creates a sand tornado, but suddenly a shiver goes down my spine and I feel my feet start to get colder. I look down, it was working. I could create ice!

I kept running in circles around Faith, the sand storm changed into a snowstorm and eventually Faith was able to get up and use her powers again but to be safe, she and matilda agreed it would be best for her to head back to the jet.

Dahlia's POV:

After we got rid of the summoning circle, it was quite easy. A normal takedown. Selina went back to her group, so did Fernandez, while River, Matilda, and Brooke distracted Lunara and Seraphine, Jade, Issac, and I all tied her up. Me with my lasso of truth, Jade and Sera with their lantern rings, and Issac with his vines.

Seems like the other groups had little to no problems because when we all met back up around twenty minutes later, we had the villains tied up and no one had a scratch, and, not to mention, they were all proud of Fernandez for saving Faith. Especially Jay.

"I heard what you did, that's great!" Jayden exclaimed as she flung he arms around Fernandez, "Do you know if your sister's okay?" "She fine, I think she's back at Super Hero High resting" He informed her. 

"Great work everyone, let's head back to SHHS to celebrate!" Molly announced as we slowly all boarded the plane.

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