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My hearing came back to me first. I hear subtle voices around me disputing, but I am unable to see. Am I dead?

Suddenly, I hear a familiar voice.

"Shhh... she's waking up."

I have no doubts. This is Crystal's sweet voice.

As I open my eyes, my surroundings start to become apparent, the light temporary blinding. I am sitting on a black sofa. I can feel myself leaning against someone. Struggling to turn my head, I notice it is Crystal. A sharp pain on my right shoulder reemerges.

I grimace.

"Take it easy Lilly," Crystal instructs with a worried face.

I nod in agreement, still confused as to my whereabouts. I continue to observe the room, noticing several unknown individuals.

Crystal is on my left side with Josh standing in front of her. Turning to my right, I notice a woman sitting by me with a man standing in front of the unknown lady.

After carful observation, I start to notice the similarities between this unknown couple and Crystal. Tan skin, abnormally tall, and most noticeably, incredibly gorgeous individuals.

The woman shares Crystal's light brown hair and has light green eyes while the man has dirty blond hair with brown eyes. Taking one more look at them, I know this must be my best friend's parents. It seems unfair to me how so much beauty can be in one family.

Then, a stern voice speaks out from the corner of the living room.

"Are you okay," the voice says.

I try to peak behind Josh and whom I presume to be Crystal's father to reveal the man behind the voice. I can hear the voice get closer.

Getting in my line of sight, I squirm upon gazing at the individual. At this point, I can feel my heart jump up and down my chest.

I scan him from top to bottom. The man has Crystal's light tan skin. He has short brown hair.

Oh my god, his eyes.

I find his beautiful emerald, green eyes striking. I make my way to his lips, appearing firm but soft. His face is framed by the strongest jaw line. This man is meeting all the right marks in the looks department. He is hot.

His arms are crossed against his chest, allowing me to see his biceps peeking out through his white plain t-shirt. Lastly, I notice he is wearing jeans. I am thankful for those jeans. They did wonders on his figure. I envision myself climbing this big, tall mountain of a man.

My thoughts are interrupted with the man speaking again, "are you okay?" 

His voice is softer. I can see concern in his eyes. A blush came across my face as I try to hide the fact that I practically violated him with my eyes and thoughts.

I nod my head yes as a response, but a sharp pain rose on my right shoulder again. The realization hit me. I was in the forest... A man was following me... A wolf came... Panic starts to creep out of me.

I freak out.

"Where's the man? He was following me. Then the wolf appeared. Omg, where is the wolf? Where am I?"

I look in all directions, paranoia consuming me.

Crystal grabs my hand.

"Lilly. Lilly. Take a deep breath. You are okay now... you are with me at my home. Nothing is going to happen to you."

Crystal looks at me with reassuring eyes, causing my breathing to slow down.

Crystal continues, pointing at the couple next to me, "these are my parents, Rachel and Roger Adams." 

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