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I move to the corner of the living room. Lilly should be able to sense me from the short distance if she is truly my mate. I also do not want Lilly to move quickly upon discovering me. The last thing I want is to cause my precious Lilly pain.

I hear Lilly waking up, talking to Crystal. Her voice is altered but I found it so serene. Lilly is studying her surroundings. My wolf is begging to close the distance between me and her. I'm sure Lilly must be feeling some type of way as well. She must be able to sense me.

I could no longer resist, asking, "are you okay?"

I move forward towards her.

Lilly is deep in thought, but that did not stop me from noticing her eyeing me down. My whole body is burning up from her gaze. I want her. My wolf wants her. My whole being wants to get our hands on her.

I manage to control my emotions before asking one more time, "are you okay?"

Lilly nods yes, her eyes staring into mine. I find them so captivating. I start imagining in all the things I could be doing with her, had there been no crowd. All the positions I would put her in while being in that very couch.

We all hear Lilly's story. My blood is boiling. I am inches away from destroying everyone and everything in sight to get justice for my mate.

Who has the audacity to stalk and injure my mate?

I will make sure they never see the light of day, but first I must ensure she is fine. Lilly is my top priority now. However, I start feeling unsettled by Lilly's attitude towards me.

Lilly is clearly eyeing me down but did not talk or acknowledge me otherwise. I am barely able to keep myself away from her, but Lilly seems unfazed. She is doing a great job in avoiding eye contact. It is irritating.

Then, my world becomes surrounded by red. I hear her say someone bit her, a wolf bit her. I clearly know by now that Lilly was not stalked by some random human. Whoever this individual is, they are a werewolf. Lilly seems oblivious of the fact, but I had doubts.

I am still having a hard time believing that Lilly is a human. When I hear her say she was bit, I quickly rush to her side, kneeling in front of her.

I am going crazy. I am enraged by the fact that someone was trying to claim Lilly as their own.

Who has such tenacity to commit such stupidity and disrespect? Clearly, it is someone who did not value their life.

Fidgeting and attempting to control my muscles from shredding things, I am unable to remain still. My mom notices my turmoil and links me to calm down. I took notice of her words and try my best to follow her advice. I really am fighting the urge to shift, but one look at Lilly is strong enough to calm me down.

My mom is about to tug Lilly's shirt down. The thought of seeing more of Lilly's precious skin makes me wonder how she must look with nothing on. These happy feelings are quickly interrupted when I lay sight on her shoulder, on the mark. My control is breaking.

The bite mark is prominent. I curse to myself, upon looking at the site. It is clear now to me that Lilly is no human.

The mark shows no signs of inflammation. She has no blood loss. In fact, the mark is almost 100% healed. Humans do not have such fast-healing capabilities.

She is lying. She is aware of everything. She must be one of us. Perhaps, she even allowed someone to openly bite her. It could be one of my very own pack members.

I do not understand why Lilly is not with that someone right now. The mutt must have left her after leaving their filthy signature on her.

I don't know the actual events, but I am one hundred percent convinced that Lilly is not human.

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