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Am I doing the right thing? I want to believe that my sole reasoning in contacting the mystery person is to strictly get answers. But the reality is that I am intrigued by him.

My curiosity has nothing to do with me liking him. This unknown individual has shown to be sketchy and untrustworthy. However, after taking everything I learned today into account, it is clear to me that appearances are not always what they seem.

I know this man has no respect for me. He stalked, cornered, and bit me.

These are undeniable truths that spoke for his character. Despite this, I wonder why this individual specifically chose me. I need to find out.

This is going to benefit everyone. I am not interested, just curious.

Chills run across my body when I first hear his voice. I am standing in the middle of Crystal's room with the door locked, and no one near sight but a voice clear as day echoes in my mind. I instinctively flinch in all directions, unable to see anyone present.

I have never felt such exhilarating experience, feeling both vulnerable and expose. My heart is pounding against my chest.

After the first phrase, I can tell that this individual was just waiting for me to contact him. He sees himself as irresistible.

I want to knock him down a couple pegs.

I say, 'I don't have time to play. I know what you are. I just need some answers.'

'Oh yeah...that's no fun. I like to play... especially when the prize is so good.'

'Don't flatter yourself. This is strictly business. I deserve answers. I already know you are a werewolf... you were the hooded man from the plaza, the one who followed me in the forest,' I stand as I talk.

The voice is so loud in my head that it feels like the person is standing beside me. I refuse to let my guard down.

For a moment, there is complete silence. I worry the connection got lost. I would not be surprised. I have no clue how the function works.

Then, I hear him say, 'I'm glad you figured it out...or did someone help you... I have my own questions.'

He pauses shortly, then continues. I can hear the voice become deeper, seeming ragged.

'You're going to have to excuse my interruptions. My wolf is attempting to get out.'

If I had heard this earlier, I would not have been able to understand. Now, I know that whoever this individual is, they are fighting to keep control.

I do not know what I said to cause him to devolve but I try my best to not worsen the situation. I saw how Ethan got earlier. The last thing I want is to trigger a crazy stalker werewolf.

'Baby, it's clear to me now that you are playing with me. When I saw you at Valley Forbes, I knew you were mine, but you ran from me. For run in the forest...'

Confusion rose in me. Everything felt like dejavu. I just had a similar conversation with Ethan. I remain quiet sitting at the edge of the bed, waiting for the next line.

'I thought, my baby wants to play a game. I'm always up for a good hunt, especially something delicious. I caught you but you ran, then hit your head. Seeing you there unconscious with my mark made it nearly impossible for me to resist my urge in taking you, but there is no way I was going to allow you not to remember my touch...'

Why would I play with him?

I want to ask but decide best to listen. For the benefit of everyone, of course.

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