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I do not believe what I just heard. Lilly, a reincarnation of the moon goodness, that could not be true. She is fragile and everyone can attest to that.

"You have to be joking. You all think that the girl who didn't even know of our existence until about two weeks ago, and who almost died from claw marks is our moon goddess," I scoff at the suggestion.

I am sure they got it all wrong.

I notice Ethan in thought before he says, "I don't want to agree with Joshua, but that does not make any sense. How can one person be mated to two people?"

Elder Daniel sits down on the living room couch, and everyone follows suit.

"To answer your questions alphas, I believe we need to review the story of how our moon goddess came to be."

My parents told me this story when I was younger.

The legend goes:
Back in the beginning of time, humans and werewolves once coexisted. God created both species to learn from one another.

Humans were intuitive, humble, and compassionate. Werewolves were strong, prideful, and full of passion. Together, they flourished. But good things don't always last.

At first, werewolves were like normal human beings in terms of love. They weren't destined for one single person as they are now. It was a natural thing.

This all changed when humans started to become fearful of werewolves. Using werewolves' drive and passion, humans started to intentionally target werewolves as their love match. Humans hoped they would control werewolves this way.

Little by little, humans started to pick werewolves off. They would pit them against each other. Alphas commanding their packs to fight against other alphas all for the sake of 'love.'

One day, a human girl truly fell in love with a werewolf. However, her father found out about her love and ordered his followers to kill him.

The human girl consumed with grief started to see humans as what they saw werewolves, as animals. She went to the strongest alpha of the time and shared her father's weakness with his pack. One by one, the human leaders and her father met their demise.

After getting revenge for her werewolf lover, she no longer had any motivation to live. She had a meeting with the alphas at the time and proposed a plan. To ensure that humans no longer used love as a tool against werewolves, the girl convinced each of the alphas to mark her.

A wolf's bite mark is a symbol of their love. It allows lovers to feel connected with each other and mind link. Having known this, she told the alphas that in biting her and accepting their mark, she would be connected to the whole werewolf race.

However, being that she is human, the multiple marks and loss of blood will lead to her impending death. Her sacrifice and connection with the werewolves gave her the power to match them up with one single partner. She ensured that werewolves be paired only with werewolves so that no one will have to die a pointless death like her love.

Given that this ritual happened during a full moon, she was bestowed the name of moon goddess.
The End

I heard this story countless times from my mother. It's supposed to be the ultimate love story. A human's love so great that she sacrificed her own brethren and life for the sake of ensuring peace to a race that her lover belonged too.

The story was passed down to teach werewolves not to let their emotions get the best of them like their ancestors. It is also intended to encourage peace with humans out of appreciation that one of their own sacrificed their life to ensure werewolves' happiness.

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