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She the throws the bag into the passengers seat, when she the opens the knife on the pen knife, and she goes underneath the steering wheel.

She started taken the back off from the steering wheel, she was struggling, as she never done this before this is her first time hot-wiring a car or any vehicle.

She finally opens the back where the wires of the car are placed, she was breathing very heavily, she was in a rush just to get out of that place, she started fidgeting with the wires.

She got two wires and she played them together, you can hear the sparks from the wires that she was placing together.


The car turns on from the wires that she was placing, she was laughing with happiness like it was music to her ears the best sound she hear all day.

She then leans back into the seat, ready to drive off.


The man who was in the field was standing at the window, you can only see the bottom half of his body as he was standing right beside the window, he was taller than the car itself.

He then punches throw the window and grabs Emma by her top, Emma was screaming in fear, while the man pulls her out through the window, when she falls straight down to the ground, as he still had a grip on her and dragging her away from the car.

He was holding the knife in his other hand and he stabs her in gut while grunting, Emma's scream begins to fade slowly away, while the man continues dragging her, she was still screaming loud, someone could hear her if someone is around that area.

The man then stops in the middle of the fear, a few feet away from her car, and he stabs her multiple times in the stomach while grunting angrily.

Emma's scream was slowly fading away until it completely disappeared, as the man has finally killed her, he then drops the body on the field and he grabs her blonde hair and starts pulling it away towards the woods.


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