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Daniel looks at Thomas.

Daniel "She said come on girls - suddenly we're girls" he says to him smiling, as he was saying a joke.

Thomas "Oh shut the fuck up man, come on, let's go" he says to him.

The two boys then gets up and started dancing to the song, the friend group were all on their feet dancing to the song, they were enjoying themselves and they were laughing at the dance moves that Thomas was doing.

Thomas was doing a funny silly dance that made everyone laugh.

Brandon the bus driving was looking in the mirror looking back at the group and he was smiling at them while shaking his head, then keeping his eye on the road. 

Jennifer and Rachel were standing in front of the back door which is an emergency exit for the mini-bus, and they were standing in front of that door which also had glass on the door. 

Suddenly from the distance. 

Out the back window, out on the road in a distance, it looked like a old truck was approaching them in speed.

No one in the group notices this happening as they are enjoying themselves, Rachel grabs Daniel and started dancing with him, Daniel had a big smile on his face because he was dancing with his crush.

Behind them.

The truck was getting closer and closer towards them, even Brandon didn't even notice the truck, as he kept his eyes on the road. 


The truck storms pass the mini-bus, which got all of their attention, they look outside the mini-bus following the truck that was storming pass them.

It was a big black/brown truck that stormed pass, Brandon then see's the truck out taken him on the road.

Brandon "Jesus" he says to himself.

The truck then goes in front of the mini-bus and drives away getting further and further away from them. 

Everyone on the mini-bus was just looking at the truck, Brandon looked confused and a bit nervous from a bit of fear because of the truck came out of nowhere. 

Brandon "Looks like someone's in a rush" he says to the group.

Everyone was ready to sit down in the same places but Thomas was looking over thinking about something.

Thomas "ah - Jennifer, you wanna sit with me?" He asks her.

Daniel looked at him all confused. 

Daniel "What you doing?" He asks him.

Thomas "Shut up" he tells him.

Jennifer was thinking about it. 

Jennifer "Yeah, sure" she replies.

She then looks back at Rachel.

Jennifer "Now is your time" she tells her.

She then walks away, while Rachel sits down on the window side.

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