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Meanwhile - everyone else was running in the woods as fast as they could to get away from the dead man.

It was only Daniel and the three girls left, as the dead man has taken Jonathon and Thomas.

Daniel and the rest of the gang were inside the deep dark woods, as they couldn't see where they were going as it was too dark to see.

They could see the shapes of the trees that was all around them, the only problem was they couldn't see what was on the ground.

They continue running as fast as they could.


The dead man, open his trunk of truck, and he places the two bodies into the back of the truck, one by one, as he puts them in, he the shuts the two back doors.

He then walks down to the drivers door, as he opens the door and climbs in the truck, he slams the door shut.

Meanwhile the gang was still running as fast as they could, they were running back towards the old creepy house.


While they were running, Jennifer falls in pain, everyone stops and looks at her confused.

Daniel "What's wrong?" He asks her.

Jennifer had tears coming down her eyes, as she was in pain.

Jennifer "My ankle - my ankle" she says with tears fallen from her eyes.

She then looks down to her right ankle, and she see's that her ankle was caught in a bear trap, Jennifer started breathing very heavily with fear as she was trapped and she couldn't move.

Jennifer "Help me - please help me" she says panicky.

Daniel then see's that it was a bear trap, he had a worrying face.

Daniel "Ah fuck" he says.

He then runs down to the bear trap and see's that it went right through her ankle, Daniel didn't know what to do.

Daniel "Shit - shit" he says worrying.

Jennifer was crying with fear and painful.

Daniel grabs the bear trap.

Jennifer realise this huge scream as she was in so much pain, Daniel was trying to get the bear trap out, you can hear the steal bear trap rubbing again her blood ankle, she was moving her leg in pain.

Daniel "Hold still - I almost got it" he tells her.

Rachel then goes over to help him get the bear trap off her leg.

Rachel "Jen hold still - we almost got it" he tells her as well.

They were trying to get the bear trap off her, Sarah then realises something, as she looks back, but she was looking at something.

Sarah "Guys" she says softly.

Daniel then looks at her.

Daniel "What?" He asks her.

Sarah didn't reply, she just kept her eyes on what she was looking at, she looking behind Daniel and the rest.

Daniel then turns around to see what she was looking at.

He could see the headlights of the dead man's truck from the split of the trees, he knows that the dead man is coming back.

Daniel "Fuck" he says.

He then turns back to Jennifer, she doesn't know that the dead man is coming.

Daniel "He's coming" he says to them.

Jennifer then looks at him all worried and scared.

Jennifer "What?" She says fearful.

Daniel doesn't know what to say to her.

Daniel "Just hold still we'll get you out" he tells her.

The Dead Man WalkingWhere stories live. Discover now