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They all enter the woods, the only problem was, that they all didn't go the same way, Thomas and Jennifer were running back towards the mini - bus.

As Sarah, Jonathon, Rachel and Daniel went into the opposite woods away from the mini - bus, Daniel notice them going the other way.

Daniel "Fuck - shit" he says with fear.

Jonathon "Just go - we'll meet up with them" he replies also in fear.

While they were all running away, the truck kept on driving down the straight road.

Meanwhile Jennifer saw that the rest of the gang weren't with them.

Jennifer "Where are the rest?" She asks him.

Thomas was looking around him while running and he couldn't see them.

Thomas "Shit - I don't know, we'll get back to the bus and let them know that we are in the bus" he says to him.

They kept on running towards the mini - bus.

Meanwhile Daniel and the rest stops running in the middle of the deep dark woods, they were all out of breath and didn't know where to go or what to do.

Sarah "What the fuck do we do?" She asks them.

Jonathon "We find help" he says to them.

Daniel "We can't just leave them, we don't know where they could've gone" he says.

Rachel was then think on where they could've gone.

Rachel "They could've gone back to the bus" she says.

The gang then looks at each other.

Daniel "The fucking bus" he says to them.

He then began to go back towards the mini - bus.

Daniel "We have to get them" he says to them.

Jonathon "We have to find help - we'll meet up with them, but for now, we have to find help" he says to them.

Daniel just looks at him.

Daniel "And what, leave them alone with this person?" He asks him.

Jonathon "We don't know if they are going back to the mini - bus, they can be going the completely opposite way" he says to them.

Daniel "Well we can't just leave them out there with this person, we have to stick together - we came here together, we leave together" he says to him.

Jonathon slowly nods 'ok' to him.

They all begin to run back towards the mini - bus as fast as they could so they can be all together again.

Meanwhile Thomas and Jennifer were speed walking back towards the mini - bus.

Jennifer "What about everyone else?" She asks him.

Thomas "We get back to the bus and let them know that we are there" he replies.

Jennifer "That's also letting this person know that we are there" she says to him.

Thomas "We get in and lock the doors" he says to her.

Jennifer "And what lock this person, out with the rest" she says angrily.

Thomas then stops and looks at her.

Thomas "I don't know what to do, they might be already gone, trying to find help - I don't know where they are" he says nervously.

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