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Daniel and the two girls kept on running back towards the house.

Sarah was shinning her phone light to the ground in case they come across anymore bear traps or any traps at all that the dead man could've placed.

They kept on running for their lives, they were all breathing very heavily because they were running as fast as they could, and the sense of fear as well.

The night was dark, the stars were shining as well like the bright moon at the top of the sky shining down on the dark land. 

Finally they made it back to the creepy old house, they stopped running as they all just looked at the creepy old house.

Sarah "We're not going back in there right?" She asks them.

Daniel was thinking about what to do.

Rachel "Absolutely not" she replies to her.

Daniel "What if they're still alive, Thomas - Jennifer, what if they're still alive - are we just going to leave without them?" He asks them.

Rachel then goes up to Daniel.

Rachel "Did you see what that man did to Jonathon, Brandon - and the rest of the other bodies that are placed in that house - right now we have to find a way out of here" she tells him.

Daniel was looking at her, and back to the house, he doesn't know what to do, a tear was coming down from his eye.

Daniel "They - they could be" he says softly.

Rachel then grabs his face and moves it towards her face so they are looking at each other.

Rachel "Dan - we have to go - we have to find a way out of here" she tells him.

Daniel carefully breathes as he looks at her, and he nods 'ok'.

Daniel "Alright - alright" he replies.

He looks at the two girls.

Daniel "Let's get the hell out of here" he says to them.

They all started running towards the house, they weren't going inside the house, they were going around the creepy house to the back of the house to see if that can find anything to help them in any situation at that time.

When they reached the back of the creepy old house, they were all looking at something, they looked shocked at what they were looking at.

Daniel "Oh my god" he says shocked.

Rachel "Did we just find a way out of here?" She asks them wondering.

They were all looking at a number of vehicles, from the people that the dead man captured before including Emma's car that was there.

There was a blue Range Rover, a black impala and a number of other vehicles.

Daniel ran towards the closest car which was the black impala, and he looks inside of the car, he notice that he couldn't see any keys.

He then pats his trousers pockets and he forgot that he had the pen knife, he then takes it out, and he looks at the pen knife like it was a present.

Daniel "There are no keys in this car - we don't have time checking the rest - but I know how to Hotwire a car" he says to them.

Rachel smiles at what he said, and she runs over towards the black impala, leaving Sarah alone there, as Sarah just stood there looking at them.

Rachel then goes over to the passengers seat, and she checks to see if it's open, she grabs the handle and slowly pulls the handle to open the door.

The door then opens slowly as the car was unlocked, Rachel then smiles with joy, she looks at Sarah.

Rachel "Get in, it's open" she says happily as she enters the car.

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