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The sun was setting down.

The mini - bus was still driving on the road, everyone on the mini - bus were either resting their eyes or asleep.

While Brandon was driving.

He realises. 

The mini - bus was getting slower and slower, he looked very confused on why it was getting slower.

Brandon "What the..." he says to himself confused on why it was slowing down.

He then pulls the mini - bus to the side of the road, as the mini - bus completely broke down.

Brandon was sitting on the drivers seat just looking at the steering wheel to see what is happening.

He looked confused and concerned on what is happening, he then opens the mini - buses doors.

Daniel then opens his eyes, as he was looking at Brandon, he see's Brandon walking out of the mini - bus, he then closes his eyes again.

Brandon was outside of the mini - bus, and he was looking at the wheels of the mini - bus to see if they are in good condition, and by the looks of them they are, he then goes behind the mini - bus and start looking on the ground to see if he can see anything wrong.

He realises something.

He then bends down looking at something, with a confusion face.

Brandon "What the fuck?" He says to himself confused.

He was looking at some type of leak that was coming from underneath the mini - bus, and he looks underneath the mini - bus and see's that there is a cut in one of the pipes where the oil/gas is placed.

Brandon then looks at the opposite direction, down at the road that they were coming from, and he could see, the oil/gas was poured out of the mini - bus that caused the mini - bus to breakdown.

He then looks back at the pipe, so confused on how it was cut.

Brandon "Ah fuck" He says to himself.

He then stands up thinking about what to do, he was just looking down at the leak, shaking his head, he doesn't know what to do or where to go, he doesn't even know if there is service on his phone.

He then takes out his phone to see if there is any service, and he see's on his phone that there is no service.

Brandon "Of course, of fucking course" he says angrily to himself.

He puts his phone back in his pocket, and he stands there with his hands on his hips just looking at the leak, he then begins walking back into the mini - bus.

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