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Jennifer and Rachel were talking about Jennifer's outfit that she'll be wearing to the dance.

Jennifer "It's like a blue long dress, and it has a type of design at the top of the dress, it's a really nice dress" she tells him. 

Rachel was smiling at her while she was talking about her outfit that she's going to be appearing in on the dance. 

Rachel "Hopefully Friday will be good" she says nervously.

Jennifer was smiling looking at her, she looks over at the other side of the mini bus, looking straight at Daniel.

Jennifer "He didn't ask you yet did he?" She asks him.

Rachel looks at him when her smile disappears and shakes her head replying with a 'no'.

Jennifer looks back over towards him for a split second and she looks back at her.

Jennifer "Did you tell him?" She asks her.

Rachel shakes her head again replying with 'no'.

Rachel "No" she replies softly. 

Jennifer "I think you should just tell him" she tells her.

Rachel went silent. 

Jennifer "And I believe if you say it to him,  he will ask you, but it's come this far and still never asked you, I think you should tell him" she tells him. 

Rachel "I don't know" she replies. 

Jennifer just looks at her, she doesn't know what to say to her.

Rachel then looks over again, she see's Daniel talking to Thomas, little does she know they are talking about the same thing as they were.

Daniel doesn't know she likes him, and she doesn't know that Daniel likes her.

The music was still playing and it turns to the next song on the list, which is known as their song every time that song comes on, they all sing it, it's 'their song'.

The song comes on and Sarah recognises it first, she looks to Jonathon, and he then Realises the song, he turns to the boys behind him.

Jonathon "Boys this is the song" he says happily to him. 

Daniel and Thomas laughs at him, while Sarah looks at the girls. 

Sarah "Come on girls" she says also happily.

She gets up and she begins dancing, Jonathon see's her going and started dancing, he looks back at the boys. 

Jonathon "Come on, boys, you heard the woman" he says to them.

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