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It's been an 30 - 40 minutes since Brandon went to find help.

The day was dead as the night was living, the moon was shining down, and the stars were showing in the dark sky.

The mini - bus was still broke-down at the side of the road, as it couldn't move from the damage of the oil/gas pipe.

There was no sign of Brandon around the area, it was a quiet night.

Everyone inside the mini - bus, everyone was still resting, Daniel then wakes up again, and he looks forward and see's that Brandon is back yet.

He then looks over, and he see's that Thomas and Jonathon is resting.

Daniel "Guys? Guys?" He whispers over to them.

Thomas was awake he was trying to go asleep but he couldn't.

Thomas "What's wrong?" He asks him whispering back to him.

Daniel "How long was Brandon gone for?" he asks whispers back.

Thomas "About 30 - 40 minutes I don't actually know, close to an hour I think" he replies.

Daniel "And he still isn't back yet?" He asks.

Thomas "Nope - but I say he'll be back soon - hopefully anyway" he replies.

Daniel nods 'ok' and he rested his head back on the seat, but he was awake.

Over by Thomas, he was resting and trying to get some sleep, he was sitting on the window side, and out his window you can see the woods that Brandon entered.


You can see a figure inside the woods, coming out towards the exit of the woods, it looked like a man running.

The man who was running was Brandon, it looks like he was running back towards the bus, just before he exits the woods.


That was coming towards the woods, Brandon then falls to the ground, as the scream came from him.

Thomas and Daniel hears the scream, Thomas looks out the window, and Daniel looks over at Thomas, Thomas then looks over at him.

Thomas "Did you hear that?" He asks him.

Daniel nods 'yes' nervously.

Thomas then looks back outside, as Daniel the gets up off his seat, which wakes Rachel up.

Daniel goes over to the seats behind Thomas and looks out the window.

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