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Jennifer walks pass Daniel, while Daniel was looking at her, as she sits on Daniel's seat.

Daniel looks over at Rachel and seen the empty seat beside her, he then walks over and sits beside her, as they both look forward sharing an awkward silence.

Daniel looks over towards Thomas, and he see's that Thomas is looking at him, he see's Thomas mouthing him something.

Thomas "Talk" he mouths over to him.

Daniel looked very nervous.

Over at Thomas and Jennifer, Thomas looks back forward.

Thomas "Jesus Christ" he says to himself.

Jennifer looks at him for a split second and she looks back forward.

Back at Daniel and Rachel.

Daniel looked very nervous to start a conversation.

Daniel "So-hmm- do you have anyone for next Friday?" He asks her.

Rachel looks at him.

Daniel "To the dance - you going with anyone to the dance?" He asks her.

Rachel "Hmm, no - no not yet" she replies.

Daniel "Oh - ok" he says nervously.

He looks back forward, while Rachel was looking at him, nervous to say anything.

Rachel "What about you? You - you taken anyone to the dance?" She asks him.

Daniel looks back at her.

Daniel "Oh - yeah - same with me, I have no one to take yet" he replies to her.

Rachel "Oh" she replies.

Daniel looks back forward, while Rachel was smiling looking at him, as she looks forward.

Daniel wanted to ask her to the dance but he was too nervous to ask her.

Over at Thomas and Jennifer.

Thomas was looking over at Daniel, he then looks back forward, as he looked a bit annoyed.

Thomas "I can't tell if he asked her or not" he says. 

Jennifer looks at him.

Jennifer "Does he know that Rachel likes him?" she asks him.

Thomas looks at her, he was in shock.

Thomas "No - well I don't think so, he wants to ask her to the dance next Friday, I think he's too nervous to ask her, he's afraid in case she has someone else going with her" he says to her.

Jennifer shakes her head replying with a 'no'. 

Jennifer "She waiting for him to ask her to the dance, she likes him" she replies to him.

Thomas was smiling after hearing the information.

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