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Daniel and Rachel continues to walk a bit more into the woods.

Daniel stops. 

Daniel "So if you like me, and I like you.." he was saying.

Rachel looks at him.

Daniel "Like, maybe it's soon, or - or something, but - but would you go out with me?" He asks her nervously.

Rachel smiles and giggles. 

Daniel "It's too soon isn't it, it's too soon?" He asks her another question nervously.

Rachel shakes her head replying with a 'no'.

Rachel "No it's not too soon, not at all" she replies.

Daniel smiles at her. 

Daniel "So - what you say? Yeah - no?" He asks her.

Rachel was thinking about with while smiling.

Rachel "Yeah - I would like that" she replies happily.

Daniel had a bright smile on his face after her response.

Daniel "O - ok" he says happily.

Rachel giggles at him.

Back at the bus.

Thomas and Jennifer were still standing at the bus just talking, as Brandon comes back over after his smoke.

Brandon "Do we have everyone?" He asks them.

Thomas "Hmm - no, Daniel and Rachel went out for a walk" He tells him.

Brandon "Shit - have to get them back have to make a move" He tells him.

Thomas "Yeah ok" he says to him. 

He then stops forward and starts shouting their names.

Inside the bus, Jonathon wakes up from the shouting, but he still rests his eyes, he then hears a cutting noise coming from behind him.

He then opens his eyes, and he looks behind him, but he couldn't see anyone, or what that noise was, the noise of cutting, he looks back forward and closes his eyes.

Brandon enters the mini - bus. 

Brandon "As soon as they are back we are making a move" he says.

Jonathon "Ok" he replies to him closing his eyes.

You could hear, Thomas in the distance shouting Daniel's and Rachel's name.

You see the full view of the land, and you can see Rachel and Daniel walking back together towards the mini-bus.

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