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The gang looks shocked as the man just smiles at them, as Jonathon was still grunting.

Jonathon "Run" he says painfully.

Everyone was backing up, as the man had a knife into Jonathon's back which made him grunt and he throws him to the ground, as everyone was backing up.

On the man's jacket he had people's skin on his jacket as he was wearing dead skin on him.

This is where he gets the name of 'The Dead Man Walking'.

He then walks towards the rest of the gang, as they were moving backwards, the dead man was coming to them fast.

Thomas then runs in front of the gang going towards the dead man, Thomas then punches him and grabs him, holding him back so the gang can get away.

Thomas "Run - now!" He shouts at them.

Daniel and the rest then runs back into the woods as Thomas was holding the dead man back.

The gang was running for their lives.

Back at Thomas, he pushes the dead man away, as Thomas wasn't running anymore he just killed one of his best friends so he's gonna stand and fight, he gets into his fighting stance ready to fight him.

Thomas "Come on, you fucking asshole" he says to him angrily.

The dead man went to stab him, but Thomas grabs his hand that he held the knife in, the dead man was pushing him trying to get the knife to go through him, but Thomas kept on holding him back.

The dead man then grabs him by the throat with his other hand, as Thomas began choking, and the dead man kept on squeezing tighter and tigger, Thomas then found it hard to breath.

Thomas found it hard holding the knife away from him, as the knife got closer and closer to him, when the dead man was choking him at the same time.

Thomas was coughing while he was getting choked.


The knife then goes throw Thomas's stomach, as Thomas was grunting in pain, the dead man looking at him eye to eye, as he stabs him multiple of more times grunting with anger while stabbing him.

Thomas slowly died, as blood was dripping down from the dead man's knife, he then removes the knife away from Thomas, as he looks back into the woods where the rest of the gang was.

The dead man then carries Thomas on his shoulder away, back towards his truck, he was approaching Jonathon's body, and he grabs his ankle dragging Jonathon's dead body towards the truck as well.

The Dead Man WalkingWhere stories live. Discover now