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The country side of Bray, on Norwich Road the road was yet again empty, as people don't really travel on this road, only if they are going back to Bray and it looks like no one was coming back to Bray.

It was a lovely sunny Sunday afternoon, you can see the both ends of the road is empty and the open fields didn't show any sign of people around. 

Suddenly a mini-bus appears on one end of the road which is heading back to Bray.

This is where we meet our main six characters which had three girls and three boys, two days ago on Friday was the day they traveled outside of Bray for a weekend away.

Inside the boys we meet our boys and our girls, the boys had the names of Daniel who had black hair and green eyes, Thomas who had brown hair and green/blue eyes, and Jonathon who also brown hair and blue eyes.

Out of the boys Jonathon was the oldest, he was only 18 years old and Daniel was the youngest who just turned 18, Jonathon and Thomas were both turning 19 years old that year.

The girls had their names of, Rachel who had brown hair and blue eyes, Jennifer who had bleached blonde hair and blue eyes, and finally Sarah who had black hair and green eyes.

Out of all the girls Sarah just turned 19, and the other two girls turned 18, Rachel was the youngest in the girls.

Jonathon was in a relationship with Sarah, they were dating almost two years, and the rest were friends, but Daniel had a crush on Rachel.

The reason they went out of Bray to go away for the weekend is, in the next week is the big dance which they have every school year, but this is a big one for them because it's the last one for them as they are in their last year of school, so they want to spend as much time together as possible, doing things that teenagers do, going away for a weekend and having some fun together.

The bus driver who was taken them home was a lot older his name was Brandon, and he had grey hair and brown/green eyes he had a scruffy grey beard.

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