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Sarah was ready to go over to the car, until she heard something coming from her left side.

When she turns to look she was looking at the creepy old house, and she see's a window there, and the noise sounded like it was coming from the inside of the house.

She looks closely.


She could see Thomas waving at her, like he need help, Sarah was looking straight at him known that it was Thomas.

Sarah "Thomas - oh my god" she says to herself.

She then runs straight into the back door entering the creepy old house, which belongs to the dead man.

Meanwhile Rachel and Daniel were inside the car, and Daniel was in the drivers seat and he was trying to Hotwire the car so they can get out of there.

Rachel looks up out the window, and she notice that she couldn't see Sarah.

Rachel "Where's Sarah?" She asks.

Daniel couldn't hear her, but he was almost done.

Daniel "I almost have it - come on" he says.

He was grunting because he was bend down under the steering wheel, which is hard to reach the wires to Hotwire the car.

Daniel was putting two wires together, trying to start the car.

Daniel "Come on - come on" he was saying to himself.

Rachel was looking at him trying to Hotwire it and she was waiting to get out of the area.


The engine turns on.

Daniel then laughs with joy, like it was the best thing he's ever heard he then leans back into the seat.


On Rachel's side out her window the dead man was standing there.

He then punches throw the window grabbing Rachel by the collar of her t-shirt.

Rachel screams with fear, as Daniel was frightened as it came out of nowhere.

The dead man was trying to pull Rachel out of the car window.

Rachel was screaming her lungs out.

Daniel then grabs his pen knife, and it was already opened on the knife, and he stabs the dead man's hand, you could hear the dead man grunting from the pain after been stabbed to the hand.

The dead man still had a grip on Rachel.

Daniel still has the knife inside the dead man's hand, so he forces the knife up his hand ripping his skin on his hand.

The dead man grunts in pain again, as he lets go of Rachel.

Daniel let's go of his pen knife while it was still in the dead man's hand, and he quickly puts his foot down to accelerator.

The tires of the car skirts off the ground as it finally goes, Daniel drives around the house, as he speeds out of the area.

Rachel was crying from the fear, the window was blown through the window as the dead man broke the window causing the air to come through.

Daniel was looking at her while driving.

Daniel "It's ok - it's ok - we're safe now - time to go home" he says to her calmly.

Seconds later.

They made it back to the burning mini - bus, and they were looking at the burning mini - bus, you could hear the flames of the fire coming from the mini - bus.

Daniel then goes on the main road, going down back to Bray where they were originally going on the mini - bus, they were going back home.

Daniel and Rachel looked relieve, tired and shocked all at the same time by what happened on the night, they lost close friends and they found something horrifying, that they'll always remember for the rest of their lives.

They continues to drive into the dark night escaping the dead man.

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