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Kylie's P.O.V.

Once school had let out, I drove to Luke's house. I don't really know why I wanted to see him so much or why I was going to his house. I guess my excuse is to bring him his homework, that I gladly collected for him. I exited my car and knocked on the front door.

A woman, who I am assuming is his mother, opened the door. Her eyes scanned me before a smile broke out on her face.

"You must be Kylie! Luke has talked about you so much that I would be able to spot you anywhere! I didn't know you were meeting him today, he's not home from school yet though. He's probably lolly gagging with his friends again." She rolled her eyes at Luke's habit of being late.

I laughed and before realizing that she had said he wasn't here. Playing along, I told her that we were actually supposed to meet at my house and that I completely forgot. I got back into my car and immediately got out my phone. I clicked on Luke's contact name and watched as my phone dialed the number and called him. The phone rang twice before his line picked up.

"Hello?" I heard his accent ring through the phone as butterflies fluttered my stomach.

I regained my voice and said, "Hey Luke, it's Kylie,"

"Kylie! How are ya, Babe?"

The butterflies grew stronger as I said, "I'm good, just wondering why you weren't at school."

"I was sick." His voice grew higher.

"We both know that's not true." I giggled into the phone.

"Alright, I kinda skipped again."

I sighed, "Luke, even though she seems completely nice, your mom's gonna kill you."

"I know, I know, but I wanted to go to the skatepark and- wait you met my mom?!" He said shocked.

"We talked for two seconds. Unlike how you talk to her about me." I smirked.

"Oh my God, she knows I have a girlfriend so why she would tell you that is weird." He groaned as my heart dropped into my stomach.

"You have a girlfriend?" I asked with my 'So Not Fucking Jealous At All' voice, even though I sent death threats with my mind to the mystery girl.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you! On Sunday, I went to school for a conference with one of my teachers and there was this new girl there too. Apparently she's been going to our school for a few weeks. Her name's Bree Sanders. Heard of her?"

"Well, there's this girl in my science class named Bree. She has brown hair and blue eyes." I said praying to God that it wasn't her.

"Yeah! That's the one! We went to a movie straight after our conferences. We swapped numbers and later that night she asked if I wanted to be her boyfriend! So of course I said yes," He told me this with excitement in his voice.

I laughed, "Alright well, I have your homework with me so?"

"Oh, bring it to the skatepark, along with your board! It's the same park as last."

We ended the call after our goodbyes and I pulled out of his driveway.

I walked over to the ramp, leaving his homework in the car, and looked for Luke.

"Kylie!" A voice sounded before I was crushed into a hug.

I opened my eyes and saw familiar dark hair.

"Get off Shane." I groaned and tried not to laugh but failed.

"Whatever." He pulled away and looked down at me. "Hey, I heard about you and Evan. If it helps, I beat him up for you. But I can tell you I wasn't the first. Need someone to talk to?"

I smiled remembering how Luke and Dean had beaten him up. It's funny how most girls would be like 'No I don't wish pain upon anyone' when I'm here all like 'Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!'. I'm sorry, but I don't like most people that cause me pain.

"I'm fine." He nodded, not pressing me into a conversation about it.

I walked to the other side of the ramp seeing a couple making out. Ew. I moved along before stopping dead in my tracks. What the actual fuck? I stepped backwards before examining the boy's hair. It was blonde and had a bit of quiff to it.

"Hey asshole." I said tapping him with my converse. He broke the kiss and looked up at me annoyed. His face softened once he realized it was me.

"Hey ba- Kylie." He stumbled over his words.

"Your homework's in my car. Wanna show off a bit?" I lifted my skateboard up a little.

"You know I love to." He smirked before gesturing for me to go first like a gentleman.

I nodded thanks to him before dropping my skateboard onto the ground and zooming down the ramp. Bree glared at me, but I was going so fast that I didn't see. Soon, Luke and Shane joined me. I rolled to the middle going at a high speed and went into the air, after flying up the wall. I took my skateboard in my hand and did a pose. I quickly placed it back under my feet before zooming back down the hill. I zigzagged through the course before ending up by the stairs. I jumped up, landing on the railings. I went down them and entered a new area.

After five minutes of fun, a screech sounded throughout the park.


We skated back to the main area but kept going. Luke and Bree had a conversation as the three of us rolled around.

"Luke, I'm going back to my house!" She yelled over the noise.

"Alright, see ya later!"

"Don't I get a goodbye kiss?" She giggled.

I wonder what speed I would have to be going to die if I fell?

Luke sped up the wall and stopped quickly. He planted a quick peck on her cheek before descending back down. She held a pissed off look on her face before turning on her heel and leaving. The boys skated away as I stopped on the island. I watched her get into her white jeep and speed off. God I hope she gets a ticket.

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