forty three

16 0 0

Kylie's P.O.V.

I entered my room in search of an outfit. Luke went back to his house to get ready and have a quick band practice before the gig. I slipped on my new pair of black skinny jeans after taking off my jean shorts. I pulled my shirt from last night over my head and headed towards my closet to find a new one. The doorbell rang, interrupting my search. I pulled on a hoodie and made my way down the stairs.

I approached the door and quickly turned the handle. A blonde quiff came into my view.

"Luke, what are you doing here? You just left like an hour ago." I laughed.

He chuckled and replied,"Well I had to go to the mall to buy a new pair of vans because mine completely ripped open."

I rolled my eyes while giggling. He grinned before continuing.

"So anyways, I saw this shirt in the store and I just thought that maybe you'd, um, like it. I don't know if you don't like it, it's fine. I just thought that you would like to wear it tonight and-"

I cut off his rambling. "Luke, if you thought that I would then I'm sure I'll love it."

"Okay," He laughed lightly and handed me a bag.

I peered into the package to see a black shirt with something written on it. I pulled it out and read the white print on it. I fancy the lead singer.

"Awe Luke, I do love it. Thank you so much," I hugged him tightly.

After Luke left, I bolted up the stairs to my room. I peeled off my sweatshirt and replaced it with the shirt Luke had just given me.

I ran a brush through my hair before brushing my teeth. I left my hair down but fixed my part. I rolled some mascara over my eyelashes and applied some cherry chapstick. 30 minutes had passed since Luke had left when I finally made it downstairs. On the last step, I tripped and lost grip of my phone. The slick screened machine landed on the floor, it's screen facing up. I let out a little yelp, as if I was the one that fell.

I picked up my iPhone and examined it for cracks, finding none. "Hell yeah," I smiled in victory.

"Nice trip." Elliot's voice called out to me.

My head snapped up in his direction before I muttered a small shut up to him. I jumped down onto the couch with a thud before he continued the conversation.

"So what's up with the shirt?"

"Luke got it for me." I beamed.

He gave me a curious look. "Because...?"

I looked over to Elliot. "He's the lead singer in his band."

"Oh, what's their name?"

"Five Seconds of Summer,"

He held another confused expression and chuckled a bit. "What in the bloody hell does that mean?"

"No idea." I admitted, a small smile popping out.

He shook his head while silently laughing as I grabbed the remote and flipped through the tv channels. After a couple of shows, I decided to leave.

Luke's P.O.V.

I paced around the little area we had been given to use our 'backstage area'. I was beyond nervous, not only about preforming in front strangers, but having Kylie in the crowd too. What if I mess up? Forget the lyrics? Or the chords? Shit, what if my fly is open the whole time and I don't even know it?

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