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Kylie's P.O.V.

"Luke, my family is here."

He stood from my bed, offering me a hand. I took it and used my hands to fix his hair. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. Luke followed me in and placed his hands on my hips. He put his chin on the crown of my head as I finished up.

"I'm gonna miss you.." He whispered.

I frowned and turned around. I pressed my lips to his gently and went back into my room. I made my bed quickly and heard the sound of my parents enter the house.

"Shit, we gotta hurry." I grabbed Luke's hand and dragged him downstairs. We sat on the couch in the living room right as my parents came in.

"Hey mom, hey dad."

I waved a bit as they walked in. They raised an eyebrow at Luke as I noticed my siblings give us a knowing smirk. Damn they knew he spent the night. I swear to God they told mom and dad...

"Hi Kylie, who's this?" My mother gestured to Luke.

"Oh, this is Luke."

"The boy that helped you when you got stitches in your head?" My father stepped forward after setting his suitcases on the ground.

I nodded. "Yeah."

Luke stood uncomfortably before stepping towards my father with an outstretched hand, "Sir."

They shook hands, my dad nodding to him firmly.

"Maim." Luke extended his hand over to my mother.

She smiled and pulled him into a hug. Luke looked stunned but then relaxed again. They let go and Luke stood back next to me. My brothers and sisters headed upstairs, all accept Elliot. He came up to my parents and stood next to them.

"Dad, don't worry," He smiled. "Luke's a good kid."

My father looked from Elliot to me to Luke. He studied him, finally noticing his lip ring. He narrowed his eyes slightly. "You have jewelry in your face. Isn't that painful?"

"It was at first," Luke shrugged. "but then you get used to it."

My father nodded, seeming to be extremely interested. "Well, why don't you guys let us chat for a bit. It'll only take a few minutes."

(A/N: Fun Fact- When Kylie's dad was a teenager, he wanted to get a lip ring, but his parents wouldn't let him and told him that they would always hurt like hell. Nobody knows this though.)

Luke's attitude suddenly became overwhelmed with nervousness. My mother and I headed upstairs, me giving Luke a reassuring look.

"Well isn't he a handsome young boy." My mom noted.

I blushed in response and went into my room to retrieve my suitcases. I waited a little before going back downstairs. I put my bags by the front door and saw my dad go upstairs. I rushed into the living room to see Luke sitting on the couch with his head in his hands, his elbows resting on his knees. I sat down next to him and placed a hand on his back, rubbing smooth circle patterns on it.

"You alright?"

"Yeah." He got up and embraced me in his arms. "I just don't know how I'm gonna handle not waking up with you ever again."

I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him tightly, taking in his scent a final time. A tear escaped from my eye and danced onto Luke's white shirt.

"I love you Luke Hemmings." I whispered to him.

"I love you more Kylie Steel." He whispered back.

We pulled apart after a little bit, hearing my family come downstairs.

"Tell the others I said goodbye and that I'll miss them." I told him before picking up my suitcases.

Luke nodded and walked towards me, taking the bags out of my hands. I pouted as he carried them for me to the car. I followed closely behind, my parents and brothers and sisters checking a few last minute things inside the house. Luke gently set my things into the back of my car before turning back to me.

"I can't even comprehend that you're leaving." He told me with tears welling up in his eyes.

I would've told him not to cry if I wasn't crying myself. It breaks my heart to see him in this teary eyed vulnerable state.

"Kylie, go check the music room to see if you left anything." My mother came outside, too busy to notice us two crying teenagers.

I nodded, knowing she couldn't see it. I reached for Luke's hand and wrapped mine in his. I led him past the remaining family members of mine that were exiting the house. We walked up the lonely, empty house's steps with intertwined hands. We entered the room and I noticed that almost everything was gone. The built in recording area couldn't be moved due to the fact that it was basically cemented into the wall. I picked up the tape that was still inside the slot, noticing it was the song for Evan. Out of anger, I dropped it onto the ground and smashed it with my foot. I picked up the pieces and threw them into a nearby trash can that we decided on not taking with us.

I looked to Luke to notice him looking at me. His eyes fixed on mine, he pushed me up against the wall. One hand on my waist, the other on the wall above me, he placed his lips on mine. He took his tongue across my bottom lip and I allowed him to explore my mouth.

"I... love you.. so much.." He told me breathlessly in between kisses.

He pushed me against the wall harder, trying to bring himself closer. He groaned as I slipped a hand up his shirt. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his torso. He walked over to the couch in the recording area and sat down. I bit his lip causing him to moan quietly, my lips muffling it. A bulge pushed through his pants and put pressure on my crotch. He reached down to the hem of my shirt but hesitated. He broke the kiss and looked at me.

"Is this okay?"

I nodded and he lifted my shirt over my head. I pulled his shirt off. Our bare stomachs rubbed against each other as we kissed. After a few seconds we broke it.

He stared down at me. "You're so Goddamn beautiful."

A blush formed on my cheeks. I looked back up at him and to see him take his lip ring in between his teeth as he looked at me. We reconnected our lips and our tongues fought for dominance. We pushed towards each other until it was impossible to close any more space between us.

A car honked, interrupting our intense kissing session. We pulled apart and sat up. Our very last had to be special and it definitely was. We placed our garments on our bodies again and stood, fixing ourselves.

We walked downstairs and outside. He walked me to the car and I turned around. Tears were back in our eyes as we looked at each other for the last time. We wrapped our arms around each other one last time and I breathed in his relaxing scent. I felt safe again.

We unwrapped our selves and he opened the car door for me. I sat down in the car, noticing that nobody said anything to us. I buckled myself in and watched as Luke shut the door. My father pulled away from the house as I looked at Luke. He waved slightly and I waved back. We drove down the street until I could no longer see Luke.

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