twenty two

86 4 2

Kylie's P.O.V.

Calum and I ended up watching the Duff and laughing our asses off. Afterwards, we grabbed something real quick to eat before I dropped him back off at his house. I then drove the 10 minute distance from his house to mine. Once inside, I closed the door and locked it. When I turned around, I saw my brother sitting on the couch with a worried expression on his face. I walked into the room and he immediately jumped up.

"Where have you been?!" He whisper shouted and wrapped me in a hug. "It's almost 2 AM."

He squeezed me tightly before letting go.

"I'm sorry, I was out with Calum and we saw a movie and had some food and-"

Elliot cut me off by telling me, "It's okay, it's okay. I covered for you. I told mom and dad that you were spending the night somewhere and would be coming home in the morning. Just don't do this ever again. You scared me half to death."

He pulled me into another hug before releasing me to go upstairs. He followed closely behind me and entered his own room as I went into mine. I laid on my bed after changing, and fell asleep.

Today was Friday, the day of mine and Deans date. I went to school and went through the same old boring classes and finished all my homework in study hall. I drove home in my black Rangerover and ran up the stairs to get ready. Going through my clothes, I groaned in frustration.

After searching through my drawers and closet for twenty minutes, I found the perfect thing to wear. I slipped on tan-see-through tights with black hearts on them. I pulled a navy blue, almost black skirt over it. I put a cute blue shirt on and a leather jacket over it. I stepped into my black ankle boots and zipped them shut. After picking out a black clutch purse to use, I painted my nails black. I then brushed my hair and curled it. I brushed it out a bit to look wavy before proceeding to do my makeup. I focused on foundation, concealer, and blush, before applying makeup to my eyes and lips. Overall, my makeup looked pretty natural.

By the time I was done, it was already 5:00. Dean should be here any second now. I shoved my many things into my purse before running down the stairs. I waited at the front door, searching for the specific Black SUV that Dean has dropped me off in before. He had seen my house several times, but has never really been inside. I saw him drive up and get out of the car. I ran out after shutting the front door and raced to his car.

"Well don't you look hot." He smiled at me as I came up to him.

I smiled and mumbled a quick thanks before sitting inside the car and buckling in.

A girl is never usually called 'beautiful'. It's mostly hot or fine or some stupid shit like that. Its never beautiful, gorgeous, or breathtaking. I don't take hot as a compliment. Boys just throw that term around, and I don't think it has much meaning to it anymore. It's a careless word that boys use to try and be fucking cool or whatever they think it makes them. For once, I'd like a boy to call me beautiful.

One already has.

My mind reminded me as Dean got into the car.

We were seated in the back of the fancy restaurant. I had told Dean repeatedly that I didn't want him to spend this much on me but he insisted saying, 'Dont worry, my parents kinda own this restaurant.'

Apparently his parents own a whole chain of them. I honestly didn't know he was that rich. He just... didn't seem like it.

We sat for a minute before our waiter came up to us.

"Hello, my name's Luke. I'll be your server for today." The boy looked up at Dean first.

"I'll take a coke please." He smiled at Luke.

I hid my face with my menu slightly as Luke looked over at me. "And for you maim?"

"I'll take the same." I said and coughed a bit to hide my voice.

Dean laughed a bit before saying, "She's just joking, she'll take a water with lemon."

"Erm, okay." Luke said uncomfortably.

Mr. Hemmings left the table right as Dean looked at me.

"Were you seriously trying to order a Coke? This is a fancy restaurant." He laughed mockingly at me. "What would my parents say if they came here and saw you drinking pop. You would be a joke. Girls drink water with lemon."

Tears brimmed his eyes as he laughed at me. I looked down at the table. I didn't even notice that Luke had walked back to our table. I wasn't worried that he would see my face though, it was angled too close to the table for him to.

He gently set down two cokes in front of the both of us.

I confusingly looked up at him. My eyes went wide when I realized I had just given myself away. I really didn't want Luke to know that I was going on a date with Dean. Or anyone for that matter.

"Kyli-" Dean cut Luke off.

"I believe she ordered a water, Mr." Dean read over Luke's name tag. "Hemmings."

"No, actually, she wanted a coke. You were just being an ass and thought that she should drink whatever the hell you wanted her to."

Luke gave Dean a challenging glare.

"What did you just call me?" Dean spoke with venom.

Luke placed his hands onto the table and leaned towards Dean, "An ass."

"You better watch your mouth, you little fucker. My parents are the reason we're all here. They gave all of the workers' here jobs, including you, you worthless piece of shit."

"You fucking dick!" I called Dean with a raised voice. "If anyone here is a worthless piece of shit, it's you! You step all over people and think that just because you have money, you do and say whatever you want!"

"Just like you." He told me.

My eyes turned to fire pits as I launched myself at him from across the table. Luke had the same idea as he pounced on Dean too. We got a few punches to the face in before security had ripped us off of him.

"You are a bitch and so is that boyfriend of yours! But you can take that dumbass because you aren't good enough for me! Oh, and the ugly scumbag is fired-"

I cut him off by breaking through the wall of men and hitting him square in the jaw. I held him down as I hit his face, causing a tooth or two to fall out. I kicked him in the groin before security had grabbed me by the waist and held me over one of their shoulders. I lifted myself up and punched his head so I could break free.

"You are an asshole! Luke Hemmings is not a ugly scumbag, he is the best thing that has ever happened to me and you are the worst!"

"Oh, go to hell!" He screamed at me.

"I already have a seat reserved there! It's called the throne, you fucking loser!"

Five security guards dragged me out of the restaurant and kicked me out. They brought me to the curb along with Luke. As soon as they left we both sat down.

"Did you really mean that?" He asked me, looking down at the pavement underneath us.

"Mean what?"

"Am I the best thing that's ever happened to you?"

"Yeah." I admitted, blushing.

He smiled a toothless smile at the ground.

"You are the best and most beautiful thing to happen to me too."

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