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A/N: Sorry guys I've had a really bad case of writers block.

Kylie's P.O.V.

(Saturday night, a few days later)

I awoke with a start. The door had slammed shut downstairs. I checked the time on my phone, realizing that the staff people should have been gone a few hours ago.

"Kylie! We're back!" I heard my brother scream as his feet pounded up the stairs.

(A/N: Her brother's name is Eliot)

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath.

I shook Luke awake and pushed him underneath my bed.

"My family's here! Hide!" I whisper yelled and successfully hid all of Luke's things right before my brother walked in.

"Sup, bruh." He walked in, giving me a fist bump.

"You're so weird..." I rubbed my eyes awake.

"So, how was it home alone? Did you remember to use protection?" He smirked with an eyebrow raised.

I rolled my eyes, "How was running errands for grandma and grandpa for two weeks?"

"Psh, for your information, we only did a few things for them. PLUS, we didn't have to go to school." He laughed in my face. "So, where's the side hoe? Under the bed?"

He laughed again before leaving on his phone.

"Luke?" I whispered.

He poked his head up from under my bed. "Yeah?"

"You need to get out of here. Grab all your stuff and I'll show you my secret way out. My parents will personally murder you if they found out you've been sleeping in the same bed as me."

After we collected all of his stuff, I showed him to my balcony. I hopped over the fence thing and reached out my hand to help him over. He gave me a stunned look before shakily taking my hand and pulling his long legs over the gate.

"I take it your scared of heights." I chuckled.

"Something like that." He mumbled.

"Ok, are there any breakable things or anything expensive in your bags?"

"Nope." He shook his head.

I nodded and dropped his bags onto the trampoline below, them bouncing to the corner of it. I led Luke down the side of the house, which just so happened to have these garden things that are good to climb on. Once we had gone as far as we could, we prepared to jump down and onto the trampoline.

"Ready?" He nodded and grasped my hand in his, tightly.

We quietly counted from three to one before launching ourselves onto the trampoline. I landed in the middle on my feet, being used to doing this. Luke on the other hand, had some trouble. He had managed to land on his butt and knock me over. We tumbled and came to a halt near his bags. I had landed on top of him, my face inches from his.

My eyes went wide as a blush creeped onto my face. I looked away from him and pushed myself off of him. I looked at him and noticed he was stuck in a gaze. He stared at the sky, watching the stars. I laid down next to him and examined his face. I turned my head back after a while. I stared up at the dark sky, seeing a million little crystal like stars. I felt my hand become warmer. I looked down and saw Luke's hand holding mine. I intertwined our fingers and turned my head towards the sky again. We sat for what felt like a few seconds, but was really about five minutes. I looked over to Luke and saw he was already looking at me.

"What?" I blushed again.

"You're beautiful."

"Not really." I wrinkled my nose as my blush grew fiercer.

"Since when have you been so insecure? Do I make you like that?" He winked.

I rolled my eyes but smiled anyways.

"Whatever makes you sleep better at night."

He chuckled before standing up. He reached out his hand and I gladly took it.

"So... see ya Monday?" He stuffed his hands in his pockets.


I laid in my bed thinking of Luke. I miss him. I guess I just got used to him being around after the past two weeks. Maybe I'll just go to the gym more to get my mind off of him.

I looked at my alarm clock and noted that it was almost 11:00 P.M. I noticed the sink in the bed where Luke's body was just laying no less than ten minutes ago. I could still smell the traces of his scent on the pillows, blankets, and bed sheets. I inhaled it and immediately felt safe. I missed him "secretly" wrapping his arms around me each night and giving me a kiss on the forehead. I'll be alone tonight. Luke's probably already back at home considering his house is only a few minutes away.

I rolled over onto where he had previously been laying. I took in the smell and drifted off into a deep sleep.

I woke up around 6:00 am on Monday feeling well rested yet empty. Luke's arms were not wrapped around me. I slumped out of bed and climbed into the shower. After washing myself clean, I got out and quickly dried my hair. I brushed my teeth and washed my face again. I pulled out my curling iron and put many ringlets in it before flipping my hair around to make them look natural. I applied my light makeup amounts before exiting my bathroom. With twenty minutes to get ready and leave, I pulled out black jeans with holes on the knees, white high top converse, a black strapy bra and a gray low cut t-shirt. I threw on my clothes and a gold necklace before exiting my room with my backpack and phone. I drove to school in my red 350 z with only one thing on my mind.


Searching the crowd for the familiar blonde quiff I had grown to love, a black bandanna caught my eye. I immediately walked towards the hair accessory to see it's owner. I moved around in the crowd until I had finally reached it.

"Hey Kylie, haven't seen you in a while."

I recognized the voice as Ashton's and looked up to his face.

"Yeah, we should really hang out sometime. Um, have you seen Luke by any chance?" I asked getting ready to give up.

"Oh sorry, he's sick today. He's got a nasty sore throat." Ashton wrinkled his nose.

"Oh alright, I was just wondering. So, wanna go to the movies sometime this weekend? It'll be fun." I gave him a wide grin before watching him nod.

"Yeah, I bet we will. I'll text you later, yeah?"

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