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Kylie's P.O.V.

We stared at each other for the longest time, until I spoke up.

"It's nothing Luke, really."

I couldn't let him know about it. He'll think of me as weak and small. I can't let him think of me like that, he'll treat me differently and walk on eggshells around me. I don't need people uncomfortable around me unless I want them to be.

"Please, tell me." He whispered looking hurt, his face inching towards mine.

I pushed forward so we were about an inch apart.

"I can't." I breathed out and pulled away slowly.

I stood up straight and walked back into the living room, leaving him standing there.

"Hey, where's the popcorn?" Calum asked.

"Oh, we're out." I lied easily.

I hate how I can do that.

"Okay, well let's watch a movie." Ashton suggested from his place upside down on the couch.

I led them to the kitchen where Luke was pacing around.

"Luke? Are you okay, bud?" Calum asked, waving his hand in front of his face as soon as Luke had stopped and stared at me.

"Uhhh, yeah. What are you guys doing?" He turned his attention to Calum for a second before returning back to me.

"We were just heading down for a movie." I smiled, no doubt confusing him. "You wanna watch with us?"


The boys had picked 'human centipede' on Netflix, thinking it would scare me, which it didn't. I've seen this movie like ten times. I could recite the movie to you, word for word.

As the movie bored me, I looked over at the others. Luke was nowhere in sight. I swear to God, if he's snooping through my bra and panties drawer, someone's ass is going to be kicked.

I snuck upstairs and searched for Luke. I looked in the living room, kitchen, sun room, backyard, my room, and knocked on all the bathroom doors. Nothing.

Maybe he left? He probably got really uncomfortable here... all because of me. I shouldn't have smiled at him, or even said anything. God, I'm so stupid.

As I passed every room in the upstairs hallway, I heard music. It was my song. And no doubt, Luke was listening to it.

That prick.

I burst through the door and saw him sitting at the chair of the recording area.

"Oh, hey-" I cut him off.

"You dick! Get the hell out of here! Now! I didn't tell you that you could come up here! Why are you always snooping around in my business! You are such an asshole! You've been like this the whole entire time I've known you! Just stop acting like you know and care about me! Just go back to your own stupid little life! I never want to see you here ever again! You just don't know when to stop! And take your friends with you." I spoke coldly and stormed out of the room.

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