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A/N: Hey guys, so these last few days have been crazy and I haven't been able to update... Sorry ! So I sang this song while I was writing this authors note and it goes like "Personal apology! Personal apology. I'm making a personal apology!" Yeah... I'm sorry about that too. In reward for you having to go through that, DRUM ROLL PLEASE ASH ! YOU GET AN EXTRA LONG CHAPTER ! YOU GET AN EXTRA LONG CHAPTER! EVERYBODY GETS AN EXTRA LONG CHAPTER! Lol Oprah is fooling chill.
-Cat :-)

Kylie's P.O.V.

I stepped inside the school doors with Luke by my side as he texted away on his phone.

"See ya later, mate." He mumbled and sped off in the other direction.

Where was he off to in such a hurry? We don't have to be in class for another twenty minutes. He's probably gonna go talk to Ash, Cal, and Mickey. Haven't seen them in a while... :/

I made my way to my locker and opened while reading a text my brother sent me about using a condom if things happen while they're gone. Strange boy... I grabbed the specific books I needed for the day, deciding that I didn't want to have to come back here, and put them all inside my black backpack. I slammed my locker shut before seeing something written in pink Sharpie on it.

'Thing twice before you mess with me you little slutty bitch'

The words echoed in my mind in Evan's voice. Those were the exact words he had called me.

I looked across the hall to the giggling girls that were pointing at me and my locker. Soon everybody had noticed and joined in with the four girls. I stood in the middle feeling humiliated and shocked. Those last few words really caught me off guard.

On one hand, I felt like crawling into a hole and disappearing. But on the other, I felt the hot hand print of Evan's burning on my face. I could feel the tears burning on the other side of my eyes, waiting till they could finally break through the walls and could run freely down my face. I refused to let them make an appearance right now though, not in front of them. I couldn't tell you if the tears were because of Evan or because of these girls.

There was no way to run away. Everyone had trapped me inside the circle. I looked frantically around, seeing no place to go. I backed up until my back hit the locker. My actions only caused them to laugh louder. This noise seemed to embed itself into my mind. My heart beat got faster and faster, as did breathing. I could feel pain in my head, mostly around the stitches that had been sewn in, as if the haunting sounds of laughter were already trying to pound their way out.

"What's wrong?" Emily taunted me with a smirk.

"Emily!" A voice broke through the noise, silencing everyone.

A boy stepped out and faced her, but I could only see his back. "Has anyone ever told you to shut your fucking fat mouth?"

He hissed these words to her as I imaged a glare on his face. She looked taken aback, but it was hard to see with the tears I promised wouldn't flow, welled up in my eyes. The boy turned and grabbed my arm, leading me out of the circle as the people cleared a way for him.

We turned the corner and he led me down the hall to a door. It was the janitor's closet, which was never in use. He opened the door for me and I quickly walked in, not wanting him to have to wait for me. He followed me in and I sat down on an upside down bucket. I held my head in my hands. My head still throbbed with their mocking laughter echoing through my mind.

"Hey, are you alright?" I heard a soft but manly voice ask. I jumped back a little, forgetting he was there, and looked up, with no doubt, fear in my eyes. I am still shaken up by what Evan did, even though it was almost two weeks ago.

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