thirty six

53 2 8

Kylie's P.O.V.

It was already the last week of school. My senior year was coming to an end. Cody never bothered me again. He seemed to be nicer to everybody after the crash. He wasn't hurt when our bus hit the other car, but everybody was still checked at the hospital. I was the only one to stay in the hospital longer than an hour. When I went back to school, nobody made fun of me anymore. It was like they realized that I was a fragile human being just like them.

I refused to go to any of the dances. Prom had been moved to the final week of school for some stupid reason. I didn't want to go, but Ginger insisted. Even though she didn't go to our school, she could somehow get in. She suggested we just went by ourselves and just hung out at the dance. I knew nobody was going to ask me and I was right, because here I am sitting at my desk, watching as Ginger curled my hair for me. She wanted me to leave it down saying something along the lines of, 'Your curls are boxer-droppers honey.'

I let her control my hair and makeup, not really caring. I wish that one of the boys could take me.. Not even in a romantic way, just as friends. It would be so much fun. I miss them already. I pulled my over sized sweater sleeves down so that they covered my sore wrists. I was 15 days strong, but I refused to look at Instagram. If I even saw Luke's foot in the background of a picture I would go ballistic.

"Hey, where'd you put the dress?" Ginger asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"The back of my closet door."

We bought dresses a few weeks ago. It's weird to see her so excited to do this, I felt like she was the type to hate prom. It's kinda cool to see this side of her though.

She brought the black dress to me, commanding me to try it on. She went to put our phones on our separate chargers as I pulled off my clothes and slipped the dress on. It fit perfectly, the sleeves just covering my scars. Ginger came back over to me, zipping up my dress. She handed me black stilettos to wear and stood back to admire her work.

"You look hot." She laughed. "If I were a dude, I'd date you."

I laughed and helped her with her hair and makeup. She put on a short black dress with short sleeves. The skirt was made of tule while the top was made of normal fabric and lace. She wore strappy black heels with her hair in an up-do.

We pulled up to the school, noticing the decorated gym was already packed with couples and groups of friends. I got out of my red 360 z, attention already directed towards us. I didn't care if people saw me how I really was, this was my fucking senior year. My last week of high-school. I wasn't going to let two creeps in Australia hold me back from being who I am. They can fuck off, I'll send them to jail for God's sake. They should already be in jail. I guess I'm just too embarrassed to say anything to my parents. They're never around for me to say anything to them anyways.

I shut my drivers seat door and locked my car. I waited for Ginger to make her way around the car before we headed up to the doors of the gym. We presented our tickets to the volunteer workers at the doors. After doing so, we headed over to the snack table, having not eaten since lunch time. I don't know why they did prom like this, on the last day of school. It's really fucking stupid. They should've had it on a Saturday, a few months ago.

I ate a few chips before Ginger spoke up, speaking unhighly of Luke. I had finally ranted to her a few Friday nights ago, telling her about how he never came to see me and how he was leading me on.

"We should post a picture on Instagram so that little fucker Luke can be jealous."

"Eh, I don't know. He'll know that I didn't get a date and he'll probably make fun of me.."

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