twenty six

58 5 3

A/N: This chapter involves some mature content including, language and sexual content. This is a warning to not read unless you are okay with it. If you need to know what happens with less detail message me. Thank you so much for reading my story!
-Cat :-)

Kylie's P.O.V.

I felt the cold gate behind me as I backed up as much as I could. There was no where to go. The pair walked closer to me. They were about 10 feet away when I started running toward the edge of the woodsy area. I felt strong hands grip my waist as I almost tripped.

"Wow there," Dean turned me around. "What's the matter, you scared?"

I could smell the alcohol that they reeked of. Evan revealed a rope from behind his back. Dean pushed me against a tree and held me there as Evan ties me down. I fought back as much until Dean slapped my head, sending me forward. His grip tightened and he pulled me back, my head slamming against the tree. I could feel the trickle of blood, flowing down the back of my neck. I looked at the two intoxicated men with fear lining my wide eyes.

The two stepped forward and looked over me. Evan stumbled up to me, too close for liking. He reached out his hands and grabbed the hem of my shirt.

"You'll never get away with this, you assholes!" I cried, tears brimming my eyes.

I could barely process what was happening. I was about to be raped. Raped by two men that I thought used to care about me. My hands shook in fear of what they were going to do to me. I closed my eyes, not being able to look at them or this despicable world again.

I felt goosebumps appear on my skin as my chest and stomach were revealed. My body lips trembled as I realized this wasn't a nightmare that I would soon wake up from.

Dean and Evan placed their hands on my breasts, making me feel like I'm about to throw up. I felt Evan's hands hover over the zipper of my pants. His fingers wrapped around the metal before gently tugging it down and unbuttoning my pants.

A tear fell from my face for so many reasons, that were too much to explain.

"Get the fuck away from her." A low growl sounded.

My eyes snapped open as I saw Luke and Calum.

Evan and Dean looked at the two.

"Yeah, okay." Dean smirked at them.

Before anything else could happen, Dean pushed himself onto me. I screamed in pain as he punched me in the gut with all of his force. I hunched over but he forced his slimy lips on mine. Dean's body was suddenly ripped from mine. More tears were running down my face. I noticed that Luke had ripped Dean from me and threw him onto the ground. Evan attached Luke from behind, but Luke threw him to the ground. I watched as Luke hit the two, him taking punches too.

Calum rushed to me and untied the ropes. I fell to the ground as soon as I was released. Calum carefully took my arm and lead me out of the woods. He took me the short distance to their car and sat me down in the back. I brought my knees to my bare chest, realizing that I only wore a bra. Calum wrapped me in a hug as I silently wept into the shoulder of his t-shirt. He rubbed my back, soothingly until I had calmed down enough to speak.

"Why do things like this happen?"

"I... I don't know." He replied and hugged me once more.

The car door was thrown open and I immediately jumped backwards, in fear. I saw Luke standing in the doorway. He clutched my shirt in his hand and held an expression on his face I've never seen before.

"Calum, will you give us a minute?"

Calum nodded before getting out and heading towards the woods, no doubt to check on the two boys that Luke had probably beat senseless. Luke took Calum's spot in the car and reshut the door. He looked over at me with the same face as before.

"Kylie... I'm so sorry." He whispered and shook his head.

He embraced me in a hug. I took in his scent, feeling safe in his arms. We pulled apart and he used the pad of his thumb to wipe away my tears. He took my shirt from where he had laid it on the ground, and helped me slip it over my head. Once I had become fully clothed again, he spoke to me.

"I don't even understand how someone could be that cruel and disgusting. I-I-"

"I'm moving back to America!" I blurted, not being able to hold it back anymore.

He didn't reply for a while, only stared at me. "You're... wh-what?"

"I'm moving." I whispered so quietly, I'm surprised he had even heard it.

"You're kidding, right? Please. Please tell me you're kidding!" His eyes weld up with tears as he searched my face for any sign of this being a joke.

"I'm sorry, but my parents are being transfer-" It was his turn to cut me off.

"Please, don't leave me."

"Luke, I have to go."

"I'll do anything."

I couldn't handle it anymore. I was gonna explode, and that's exactly what happened.

"Then break up with your girlfriend! Tell me how you feel about me! Tell me that you love me as much as I love you! Tell me that you've felt something between us before! Something that involves being more than just friends! Tell me that you've wanted to kiss me since the day you met me! Tell me that you will always protect me and love me no matter what!" I burst into tears like I had so many times earlier today.

"Because that's all I've ever felt for you." I whispered before exiting the car.

On my way out, I almost hit Calum who was on his way back from the woods. I just shook my head as he asked me if I was ok. I ran to my car and turned the key once it was in place. I stepped on the gas petal, seeing Luke running towards the car. I wiped my eyes as I sped down the road. I drive faster and faster, realizing what I had just said.

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