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Dedicated to Cutie35100 and Bewailed_His_Fate for being such amazingly amazing readers and wattpadians! You guys are the reason I hit 1.1K READS OMFG
-Cat :-)

Kylie's P.O.V.

I stared at the nurse, that was wearing an awful animal print set of scrubs. She looked confused for a few seconds with a crease in between her eyebrows.

"Oh, you mean the blonde boy that was screaming at the front desk in the emergency room waiting area to see you? Yeah he's in the normal waiting area now, but you need to calm down a little bit and get the rest of the blood back into your system. We ran out of your type since it's the rarest one. I think we just got a volunteer though, but they're running some tests on his blood to make sure it's clean and everything so it'll be a few minutes."

I nodded in thanks to her and she left the room.

"Okay, miss Steel, are you ready?" The same nurse walked in.

"Yes, I think so."

"There's really nothing to worry about, I've done this to other people and had it done to myself about a million times." She gave me a reassuring smile.

The door opened and Luke stepped inside.


"Turns out we have the same blood type." He shrugged giving me a smile.

I laughed as he strutted over with his hands on his hips. He put on goofy grin at my giggle and sat in the chair. The lady prepped our arms and took the correct amount of blood from Luke. She finished cleaning his arm off and put a Scooby Doo band-aid over the wound. She continued on with me and put the blood into my arm. After doing the same she had with Luke's arm, she applied a Teen Titans Go band-aid onto the piece of cotton and part of my arm.

She left after finishing and a doctor walked in.

"Hello, miss Steel. So, we had to put a few stitches in your head but your friend here got your phone and called your parents. They gladly told us everything we needed to know and you're all paid and set to go. But, we all think it would be a good idea if you stayed here over night. You lost a lot of blood this afternoon." I nodded and let him go on his way.

"Kylie?" Luke looked to me from his chair, which he had scooted closer to my bed.

"Yeah?" I looked at his sad eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I-I... I just..." I stuttered.

"Please tell me." He pleaded.

"I just... I didn't want you to think less of me, like I was weak." I looked down at my hands.

"I wouldn't of..." He confessed.

"We both know that you and Ashton, Michael, Calum, and everybody else would of. I didn't want that. I didn't." I mumbled.

He stood and sat down in the side of my bed.

"I wouldn't of." He whispered.

We both walked out of the hospital doors and headed for the car he had brought here. Luke had spent the night with me, my family telling the doctors it was ok, and I may have slipped a few hundred dollars to them. Yeah, I am really bad with money.

"So, do you want me to stay over at your place until your family gets back?" Luke asked as he opened my car door.

"Sure, but I was thinking about letting the staff have a week off. Okay, now I sound like stuffy rich bitch." I huffed.

He shut my car door and went over to his side with a wide smile.

"It's really your parents fault for being rich." He chuckled once he sat down.

I hit his chest, "Hey!"

"I'm just kidding... maybe."

I fake glared at him as we drive off to my house.

"So did you ask your parents for permission to stay here or?" I questioned Luke when I sat down on my bed in my room, Luke doing the same.

"Yeah, they trust me enough and your parents even suggested it. They don't even know me, which is weird, so I guess they don't care about your virginity." He grinning, being his own cheeky self.

It's been a long two months.

"Hey! They do to!" I defended.

"Well let's find out then, shall we?" He smirked and leaned forward.

As much as I wanted to kiss him, I knew I couldn't. It would be so awkward if we dated for a while and then broke up. I wouldn't be able to hang out with him or the others really. I can't take my chances.

I leaned in and hovered my mouth over his.

"Let's watch TV." I whispered after brushing my lips against his and pulling away with a smirk drawn on my face.

I could tell that it had effected him. His face was flushed and he was breathing heavily yet slowly at them same time.

"You tease." He stuck out his tongue, causing me to smile.

I couldn't tell if he liked me or not. I feel like he could just like me for my boobs and arse and not my personality. Just like all the others, including that dirtbag Evan. Wait, what ever happened to him?

"Hey dude, where's Evan?" I laid back onto the bed.

"Are you seriously thinking about him right now?" Luke asked in a tone I've never heard him use. It was almost sad yet annoyed. He was probably disappointed in me. I would be too.

"No, not like that! Like, did you hurt him so much that he's still in the hospital?" I asked laughing.

"Oh, yeah! I beat him up so much that he had to get 15 stitches and a pint of blood put back into his body. I busted up my knuckles pretty badly though." He told me, causing me to sit up.

I pulled his hands from his lap and examined them. They were all cut up and bruised and still a pinkish color from the dry blood he had probably tried to wash off. I led him to my bathroom and fixed them up, gently applying creams and medicines.

"Ok, I'm done." I told him.

He caught me off guard by grabbing my hands. I cringed from the contact to my still a little bit sore scars. He lifted them up to about 10 inches away from his eyes. Keeping his head in same place, he lifted his eyes up to look at my face that was adoring his. Our eyes locked for what seemed like eternity, but it was only a minute.

I pulled my eyes out of the trance and felt my cheeks heating up for only about the fifth time in my life. I looked back at him and see him slowly bowing his head with his eyes never leaving mine, and he gently close his eyes and kissed my wrist and doing the same to the other.

He stood up straight, his height becoming known, and stuffed his hands in his pockets. He mumbled a quick, "I'll be back in a little." Before exiting the bathroom and the house.

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