forty four

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A/N: So I noticed about 8 reads on the last post saying that I was gonna take a break and nobody replied to it, but now at least I know there's still a few people reading. I'd really like to know if I'm doing stuff right and what I should change though. Anyways, this is a new chapter. Enjoy :-)
- Cat xx

Kylie's P.O.V.

"Luke! You did amazing!" I grinned before he squished me into a hug.

I sniffed the air causing my nose to scrunch up. "But you all seriously stink. Maybe we should head back to my place so you guys can shower."

They gave each other looks and before I could react, I found the four sweaty boys surrounding me with their arms wide open. Michael yelled group hug as they invaded my personal bubble. I let out groans in protest, knowing I'd have to shower now too.

They refused to get off of me, so I pulled out the big guns.

"Luke, I can't wear this shirt if it's all smelly. Then people won't know we're together, and they might give us weird looks if they see us kissing. I don't wanna get weird looks though Lukey." I sighed. "I guess I just won't kiss you for the rest of the night then."

With that, I felt Luke's body pull away and yank the rest off the boys with him. Calum, being his cheeky self, went back to hugging me as soon as Luke let him go, wanting to see what would happen.

"I don't think hell has frozen over yet Calum." Luke gripped his shirt and ripped him from my side.

I smirked over at them, specifically towards the blonde. I took small steps towards him and stood on my tippy toes. I placed a gentle kiss on his lips, making the other three guys around us make gagging noises.

I stepped out from the shower and wrapped a towel around me. After a few minutes, my hair was dry and straightened, and I had my previous outfit on again.

I redid my makeup before stepping out of my still slightly steamy bathroom. The boys went back to theirs to get ready, so I sat on the couch in the living room, waiting for their call.

"Hey Kylie?" I heard my brother's voice from the kitchen.

"In here!"

I heard footsteps come closer until Eliot appeared. "I'm going to go visit my friend for the weekend."

(A/N: I can't remember what day it is, so it's gonna be Friday lmao)

"Alright, when are you going to be back at?" I asked, not really interested.

"Monday morning, try not to throw any parties, but if you do you're cleaning."

And with that he exited the house, the four boys entering at the same time.

"Kylie!" Michael's exclaimed before running towards me and smashing me in between his arms. "I missed you so much! I thought I was going to die!"

I rolled my eyes and shoved him off me. "It's literally been like thirty minutes."

He pouted on the ground until Calum came over to cuddle with him.

Luke made his way over to me as Ashton found his way to the kitchen, hoping to raid my fridge.

Luke sat down next to me, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into him.

"I'm not in the mood to party, I just want to lay here with you for a while.." Luke told me as the others talked about how they should celebrate, Ashton having returned with a large sandwich and glass of lemonade.

"Oh don't be so antisocial you two," Calum shot us looks.

I stuck out my tongue before turning back to Luke. "If you don't want to go out then we can just stay here. My brothers not coming back home until Monday."

A smile found its way onto his face and he nodded.

"Ashton, what the hell are you thinking about? Are you constipated or something?" Michael laughed and Luke's and my attention turned towards Ash.

His face made it seem like he was either really deep in frustrating thoughts or he had to use the bathroom badly.

"No, I'm trying to remember who my first time was with."

Calum raised an eyebrow. "Wasn't it with that one Carla girl? She was the brunette that moved away after softmore year?"

"I forgot about her! I think you're right!" Victory took over the curly haired boy's face.

"Mine was with Jeanette from Bell View High School." Michael smiled.

"I'm pretty sure my first was with Mary Cole."

Soon the three turned to us with expected looks.

"I uhh, I-" Ashton cut off Luke.

"Yours was that Clare girl, right?"

Luke shook his head, embarrassed.

"I've never.." He tried again.

Calum's eyes went wide. "Wait! You're a virgin Luke?!"

The boys all howled in laughter as Luke turned bright pink.

"Kylie, don't tell me you're a virgin too?" Calum continued, wiping tears from his eyes.

I looked down with a similar expression to Luke's.

"Oh my fucking God! You are too?!"

They doubled over in laughter, before Michael wheezed out a sentence.

"I-I thought.. you two.. did it ye-yesterday!"

We glared over at the three. Ashton stood up, biting back giggles, and pointed upstairs. "Go up there and have sex right now!"

They only laughed harder at this before they practically dragged themselves outside and to their cars.

They drove away, leaving us still shades of pink and red.

"Well, they were bound to find out sooner or later." Luke laid down with his head resting in my lap.

I stroked his hair and hummed in agreement. I turned on the giant television in the corner and after a few minutes of Luke's pouting, I selected How I Met Your Mother.

He grinned and snuggled closer to me, earning a small kiss on the lips from me. After a while, we ordered Chinese food and prepared ourselves for a lazy night in.

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