thirty eight

34 1 6

A/N: Hey guys, it's been a while. Sorry about the wait, I've had a huge project going on in school.
-Cat :-)

Kylie's P.O.V.

Luke stared at me, through the screen. I watched as he took in air and breathed it out. I noticed at how he had changed. His hair had been styled into a quiff, higher than when I left. He wore wristbands, almost identical to the amount on my wrists. But his eyes were the same crystal blue eyes that I had fallen in love with.

"L-Luke I am so sor-"

"It doesn't matter anymore. And if you thought it was, that song was not written for you. I could never be with a person who doesn't trust me. I would never date a person like you, even if you did trust me."

I looked down. "Luke... I-"

"I'm not finished. First of all, you are not my type. Second of all, you are a drama queen. And lastly, I like girls who aren't you."

I swallowed hard, forcing my tears back. "I-"

"Now I'm finished." He turned around abruptly and stomped out of the room, slamming the door shut.

Tears fell from the corners of my eyes and slipped down my face. I stared into the computer, hoping that this was all just a prank. A sick joke played by these bastards to make me cry.

I watched as Ashton, Calum, and Michael walked in. They sat down and Ashton pulled his laptop onto his lap.

"Ky-Kylie? Are you okay?" Michael asked quietly, the others not knowing what to say.

I shook my head no, not trusting my voice. I looked down at my wristbands and pulled them off one by one. I stared at my sliced up wrist before Ashton spoke up, none of them knowing that I'd already done it before.

"Kylie, please don't do it. I've done it before and it doesn't help at all, just makes things worse. Please, it'll only hurt you more."

"I'm used to it." I mumbled and ended the call, closing my computer shut.

A few minutes later, I found myself locked in a bathroom with blood surrounding me. This pain made me temporarily forget about the other pain.

Ashton's P.O.V.

I stood from the floor after trying to recall Kylie over ten times.

"Call Kylie's family, anyone that you can get ahold of! She's not okay, she's thinking bad things. She wants it all to be over. We have to save her." I commanded the boys with tears in my eyes.

"Luke!" I yelled out as I closed the basement door.

I ran through the empty house, finding the only occupied room as the bathroom.

"Luke!" I banged on the door. "Please open the door!"

I'm worried about what is going on in there. I laid on my stomach to look through the crack at the bottom of the door. I could see Luke's feet and legs, along with a few red stained towels.

"Luke! Open the door now! Please!"

No reply.

"Back away from the door! I'm breaking it down!" I walked back a few feet before running towards the door and knocking it down. I threw the door out of the way to find Luke sitting with tear stained cheeks. He stared motionless into space.

"Luke, please talk to me." I cried.

He looked over at me with a tilt of his head, finally noticing my presence. I looked down at his wrists, seeing newly engraved cuts. I noticed that his bracelets had been thrown off to side, covered in dried blood.

"Lu-Luke... when did you start?"

He looked down, "A few weeks ago. I had just told Kylie not to hurt herself again, and a few weeks later, I cut myself repeatedly. I'm a bad influence."

"No you're not. But I think that whatever you just told her hurt her a lot more than the cuts will... Why'd you do it Luke?"

"I'm... I'm not good enough for her. She'll never have that perfect life everybody dreams of. I'll never be able to give her everything she wants. I needed to push her away so that she can have a better life."

Kylie's P.O.V.

I had been pushed over the edge with Luke's words. I love him, I know that I do. But that was the final straw. Now the straw container had been tipped over. It was shattered and lying on the floor, waiting for someone to sweep it up and throw it into the trash.

I hate this world. Luke was my only hope left. My family and friends would do fine without me. Ginger would be okay, she would find a guy and get married and have two kids. Michael would start a real family of his own and be happy. Calum would find a steady girlfriend and soon get married. Ashton would turn out to be a family man and a great father and husband. I bet Luke wouldn't even miss me. I bet my life. Either way, I'll be dead.

I shakily looked down at the razor. I will bleed to death. I will suffer a slow and painful death for being a waste of life. I started to make deep cuts in my skin, blood seeping from them. I cut all over my wrists and arms, getting deeper with each one. Soon I will be gone. I cried for no reason. I only worried about how my brother, Elliot, would take this. Would he be okay? I know that if anyone will miss me, it would be him. I guess he's kinda the only one I have left. He'll be leaving for college though soon. If I stayed, we would go to separate colleges and be miles apart. My parents won't care about me. All they care about is work. Elliot is my only reason to consider staying alive. But I've never been one to dwell on anything. I usually just make my decisions as fast as possible.

I made up my mind and stabbed my wrists again. My hands shaking from all of the blood loss. I felt the blood raising up to my head and chest, my body trying to keep itself alive. My arms and legs were extremely pale, and as I made the last cut, I fell into darkness.

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