forty six

7 0 0

Kylie's P.O.V.

It had been a few weeks since Luke and I confronted my parents about my situation. Since my parents had so many connections, including in the government, we easily got to have our court time to be scheduled on a closer date. The judge had ordered for a recess yesterday and today, right now to be exact, it would resume. We had already gone through the process of giving our side of the stories and Evan and Dean had given their sides of the story.

Dean's family has connections with multiple people involved in the government too, this making it hard for the judge and jury to make a decision. I think it's terrible that just because you have a few connections, you can do whatever you want and possibly not get into any trouble for it.

My family's attorney is 100% sure that we'll win the case, but I'm practically about to throw up from nerves.

What if we lose? Will they just run free despite the fact of everything they did?

I started breathing faster as the two arrived with their attorney's. Evan scowled at me as Dean glared at the police that stood guarding the doors.

I felt Luke's hand reach for mine underneath the table. I looked over at him and he gave me a reassuring smile. He squeezed my hand as the judge entered the room, along with the jury.

"All rise," The judge spoke loudly.

I felt Luke pull me up and I zoned out, hearing the soft murmuring of the judge in the background of my thoughts.

My mind was racing as I realized all of the possibilities that could come out of this. I squeezed my eyes shut wishing they'd stop.

I snapped out of my thoughts as Luke pulled me into him. I breathed in his scent, completely forgetting everything and where we were. Once we pulled away from each other, I looked at him in confusion.

"What'd the judge say? I couldn't pay attention I was so nervous." I showed Luke my shaking hands.

He took my hands in his with a smile. "20 years for Dean and 30 for Evan."

"We won?" I looked at him with a relieved and surprised face.

He chuckled slightly. "Yeah Kylie, we won,"

As we exited the front of the room, Michael, Ashton, and Calum attacked me with hugs. This whole thing was hard for me and they knew that. Michael ruffled my hair and pulled me in for another hug.

"I'm so proud of you." He squeezed me tightly. "You were so strong throughout all of this."

"Thank you Mikey," I smiled at him.

My parents walked up to all five us and suggested that we all go back to the house for lunch. After agreeing, we all left in our separate cars. My parents drove together, Michael, Ashton, and Cal drove in another car, and I drove with Luke.

"You know, Mike was right. You have been so strong through all of this and we're all so proud of you.. I'm proud of you," He stroked my hand with his thumb, using the other hand to drive.

He smiled over at me as he pulled onto my street. "I love you so much, and I'll never let you forget that."

I gave him a smile in return and waited for him to fully park before kissing his cheek.

"I love you more,"

He quickly pulled the keys out of the ignition and ran over to my side of the car, opening my door for me. He watched me as I laughed at his cuteness. He extended his hand out towards me and I grabbed it, thanking him.

"I don't think it's even possible for someone to love something more than I love you." He whispered to me.

We pressed our foreheads together and I looked into his eyes, "I guess I'm an except to that then, because I love you more than you can even imagine."

I stood on my tippy toes and quickly pecked him on the lips. I ran quickly away from him and to the door of my house, sensing that he was about to say he loved me more than I love him, which is impossible.

"Hey!" He laughed and ran after me.

I giggled and stepped inside the house. He was soon right behind, and no matter how fast I went, he still ended up reaching towards me and wrapping his arms around my waist and making me completely stop.

"I love you m-"

"Shh..." I shushed him and turned around, placing my finger on his lips. "You're never going to win."

He directed a pout towards me and I grinned back at him. Soon, he couldn't keep a straight face anymore and he started to smile back, his dimples popping out. I poked one and he grinned even more, a small laugh escaping his lips.

I heard my mom's voice call us into the dining room where they already had food laid out across the dining room table.

I took my seat, watching as Luke sat next to me, my brother sitting across from me, Michael next to him, Calum next to him, Ashton next to Luke, and my parents sitting at the ends of the large table.

Everyone talked amongst themselves, serving themselves food and eating.

I felt Luke's hand grab mine from underneath the table. I turned towards him to see him smiling at me.

"What?" I mumbled so nobody would hear but him.

"I still love you,"

I smiled and laughed a little.

"I love you too, Luke."

He leaned over and quickly kissed my lips. I bit my lip and looked at him and then my family and friends. They were all talking, laughing, and happy.

I feel so satisfied. Everything is happy and I don't know what to do with myself. I feel like I could scream, laugh, and smile so hard my face turns numb.

I looked back over at Luke and sighed in content. He turned towards me with a huge smile on his face, which made happiness surge through me even more.

This is all I have ever wanted. I have it. This is what true happiness feels like. It's a numbing feeling, where you don't know wether to scream or laugh or do both.

I watched Luke grin as he spoke to the boys and my family, and I realized that that's how I've always felt around him. He numbs all of the bad things away from me. And that's when I knew that I could spend the rest of my life with this boy. That's when I knew that this was what I've always wanted and needed. That's when I knew that everything was alright now and nothing could ever stop me from loving him.

Luke smiled back over at me and I knew that this was it. This was the too-perfect-for-this-world moment that I've always needed. We all need this kind of moment. This was ethereal. Luke was ethereal. And whenever I'm with him, I feel complete and utter happiness that nothing can stop. Not even my whole entire world burning down could take away the happiness he brings me.

Luke is my ethereal moment.

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