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Kylie's P.O.V.

When Luke had left, he lied. He said he would be back in a little, my ass. It's been four hours.

I sat down on my bed and thought about my life the last few weeks. God, my life is a mess. Then it hit me, I'm growing into a softie! It all started a couple of weeks ago when I met Luke. I was still my hardcore self then, but I changed. I've cried and blushed a few times and I've become so lovey dovey with Luke.

I stormed over to my closet and pulled out a Nirvana T-Shirt and a pair of white-ish ripped jean shorts with studs on them. I slipped both on and a pair of combat boots and grey socks. I ran a brush through my hair before heading out to the garage.

Eeny, meeny, miny, you!

I chose my White Koenigsegg Agera R and started the engine. This was one of my favorite cars.

I opened the garage door, zoomed out, and then reclosed it. I drove all the way down to the area downtown of my small city. I looked around, trying to decide where I could go. I guess the Black Alley could work. But I don't think it would be healthy to do that considering I just got out of the hospital this morning. But I mean, just because I'm going there doesn't mean I'm gonna fight. Besides, I'm not scheduled for anything.

I sped through the streets, following all driving rules, and finally parked in the parking lot of the building.

I think I should work out a little bit. My stomach feels flabby. I haven't done my proper training since I switched schools.

"Hey Blondie, long time no seen." A familiar voice spoke when I entered the lit building.

He put his hands on my hips, "Dean!"

I turned around and hugged him. His big hands were still wrapped around my waist as he squeezed me tight.

"How are ya, sweetheart? The boyfriend been good to you?" He asked smiling.

My mouth went dry and I stared at the ground for a few seconds.

He pulled me into a hug and rested his chin on top of my head.

"I'll kill him." He mumbled.

"It's fine. I don't really wanna talk about it." I said with my mouth against his shoulder.

"Alright, but if you need someone to talk to, I'm all yours!" He chuckled, trying to enlighten he conversation.

We pulled out of the hug and I nodded in thanks to him.

"Let's get started wit- what's that?" He looked at my head. "Did you get stitches? What for?"

"Um... I got into a little fight."

"With who?" He quizzed.

"A guy."

"What's his name?"

"Evan." I said quietly.

"Who?" He repeated.

"Evan, okay? It was Evan." I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and headed over to the punching bags.

"That little fucker! I'll beat his ass!" He slipped his flannel over his white muscle tee.

I repeatedly hit the punching bags, "Where are you going?"

I looked over my shoulder to see him walk up to me.

"To pay Evan a little visit." He kissed my forehead and left the room before I could object.

To be honest, I didn't care if he beat up Evan, he deserved it for putting me in the hospital. I knew Dean was stronger than him and would beat him.

I plugged my phone into the music player and hit shuffle on my spotify premium app. It started playing American Idiot, one of my favorite songs.

I punched and kicked until the song had hit its climax. I used a table and two pencils to drum out the beats. I hit every beat perfectly and did so until the song ended.

I climbed out of my car feeling my stomach ache in pain from all the sit ups and push ups I had done. I walked out of the garage and into the house.

"Kylie?! Is that you?" A frantic voice yelled from upstairs.

The person descended from the stairs and burst through the kitchen door.

"Oh my gosh!" I heard Luke breathe. "I was so worried."

He walked up to me and attacked me with a hug. I melted into the hug before pulling away, grabbing a glass, and filling it up with water.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"The Black Alley."

"The what?" He looked at me confused.

"My street fighting gym." I said in a 'no duh' tone.

"Oh, are you sure that's good for you to do right now? You know, with the whole hospital thing?" He looked at me with concerned filled eyes.

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm not going to be fighting for a while anyways, just training."

"Oh, okay. Well, are you hungry? I make a pretty mean pot of spaghetti." He smirked.

"Impressive." I laughed.

I laid with my head facing the ceiling. Same old walls. Same old floors. Same old bed. The only difference? The boy laying next to me.

Yes, we are sleeping in the same bed. Only a few feet apart. And he sleeps shirtless. And only in boxers. I don't know about you but I'm like shaking.

Okay, calm down. Yes, I am a virgin and I plan on staying one until I'm ready. Yeah.

"Luke." I whispered from one side of the bed.

"Yeah?" He mumbled.


"For what?" He asked with confusion lacing his words.

"For caring."

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