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-Cat :-)

Kylie's P.O.V.

Today's a fucking Monday and I just got my period fucking yesterday and just- FUCK MY STOMACH AND MY OVARIES AND MY INTERNAL ORGAN THAT'S TRYING TO COMMIT SUICIDE IN MY BODY AT THE MOMENT.

I trudged my way through the halls in my red shorts and black Aerosmith T-Shirt, lugging my 100000000 pounds worth of books with me.

I hate my teachers. I hate everybody. They all just need to leave me the fuck alone before I kill them.

I made it to my classroom and dumped my books onto a random desk in the back.

Yeah, I'm actually going to school after lunch. Do you have a problem- sorry, that's the period talking.

As the teacher walked in, I imaged what would happen if she tripped and broke her nose.

I smiled to myself.

That would be good.


Soon, school rolled to an end and we all got to escape that living hell.

I strolled, more like scurried, to my car because Niagara Falls was about to make an appearance. If you know what I mean.

(A/N: Period problems)

I slammed the door shut and sped to my house as quick as I could, feeling my feminine product get getting soaked with the red substance. As soon as I arrived, I grabbed my bag and turned off my car. I waddled to the front door, not wanting anyone to see the blood stains even though there were none.

After the challenge of unlocking the door, holding my backpack and holding my legs together, I pushed the door closed and proceeded to go to my bathroom.


After I took a shower, I replaced my 'You Know What' and finished my tremendous amount of homework.

I laid on my back with stomach pains as I flipped through the channels on the T.V. in my room. Nothing good was ever on. I crave food right now but the kitchen- it's just to far away: I'd have to get up, walk to my door, travel down the huge staircase, stumble through the living room, get through the dinning room, fight the taunting smells coming from the kitchen that make me want to devour anything in sight, open the doors to the kitchen and make something because our chefs only cook breakfast, lunch and dinner. I know, I'm so spoiled.

But still with these cramps? That like running five miles and doing 100 push-ups. And I am NOT doing that.

I looked down at my growling belly- wait. Did I just say belly? I don't like that word. It's weird sounding. Let me rephrase that.

I looked down at my growling stomach. It's sounds like a whale's mating call.

'But-But-But- I don't wanna get up and be productive. I just wanna watch television' I tried to send a thought to my stomach but it didn't work.

I groaned and got up slowing, preparing myself for the journey.


I ended up slipping some money to a chef to make me a tray of tacos and let me tell ya. IT. WAS. WORTH. IT.

I took a bite into a crunchy shell and Tabasco sauce nearly enflamed my lips and tongue. Oh my God, this is perfect.

After finishing all four tacos, I know I'm a pig but hey I'm on my period here, I returned to the spot I was previously laying on my bed.

Once I came to the conclusion that absolutely nothing was on T.V. I turned to my iPhone for backup entertainment.


After an hour of Tumblr and a half an hour of Pinterest, I decided to do something productive. And by productive, I mean go downstairs and watch cartoons. What? Even badasses can watch them. Stop with the stereotyping. Sheesh.

After I traveled the distance from my room to the living room, I sat down in a LazyBoy chair and flipped on Tom And Jerry. What? You gotta love Tom And Jerry.

I started to get bored with the show so I just thought. About what, you ask? About random things really. Like more food, Ben And Jerry's Icecream, homework, Luke's eyes, streetfight- WAIT, WHAT?

No! I was NOT thinking about Luke's eyes, or his annoyingly cute laugh, or his adorable dimples, or his accent- OH MY GOD, KYLIE! STOP!

I just- I just need a few minutes to reorganise my feelings is all.


Evan equals boyfriend.

Luke equals friend.

One more time just to be safe.

Evan equals friend.

Luke equals boyfriend-


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