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Kylie's P.O.V.

I finally got off my period after six more treacherous days.

I'm listening to music with my headphones right now and it's on full blast and I can literally feel it vibrating my eardrums.

Speaking of drums, time to go practice. No, I'm not in a band. I just play them for, believe it or not, fun. They're loud, I like the way they sound, and I'm good at them. Sure, anyone can play them but to be good, you have to have rhythm and beat in your hands. And I guess I do.

I started the rhythm I've been working on the past few weeks once I got up to my music room. Yes, I have a music room. Don't you remember me telling you that I was rich?

Anyways, I have tons of instruments in the room. Drums, guitars, violin, flute, harmonica, piano, clarinet, oboe, harp, trumpet and French horn. Embarrassingly, I know how to play all of them. Including the bongos and banjo. After I learned how to play the guitar and piano, all of the others were easier to learn. No, I most certainly do not play in shows and musicals or any of that other shit! I hate people that do those kinds of things. It's just, ugh.

I made my way over to the recording station and recorded the beat of my drums. I hopped over to the guitar and strummed it a bit until I came up with the perfect sound. I recorded the chords and sat myself in front of the piano. I messed around with the keys a bit. After 10 minutes, I recorded the right notes.

Why am I doing this, you ask? Well, I have no idea. Just bored really.

After I added a quiet amount of the harp and flute to the harmony, I listened to my creation. It was pretty good. I mean, it's no award winning song but, oh well.


"Come in!" I called out.

"Hey Kylie!" I turned to see Evan with open arms.

I jumped up and ran into his arms.

"Evan! I missed you! How've ya been?" I kissed his lips.

"I'm great, but missed you like crazy!" His lips lingered on mine.

You must be wondering where he had went. Well, nowhere. We just haven't seen each other in a while.

"Let's go to the window room." I suggested.

The window room is just a room at the end of the main hallway that has a big window and a couch leading off the window frame. (Like a bay window) It's beautiful, really.

He nodded and I took his hand; leading him towards the couch.

We sat and looked into each other's eyes. I couldn't help but stare into his blue orbs. We slowly leaned in, not breaking eye contact. My lips parted as he slowly closed his eyes. I pulled my eyelids closer together until no light could be seen through them. As our lips finally made contact, those pits of fire ignited. I moved my lips in sync with his; me ruffly tangling my fingers through his hair causing him moan against my lips. His hands traveled down to the hem of my shirt and tried to tug it over my head.

I peeled my face from his after I finally overpowered his strength. I pulled my shirt back down and jumped up.

"I'm sorry... I can't-" Evan cut me off.

"And why not?"

"Because... because I'm not ready for-" I explained, taken aback from his tone, before he interupted.

"You little slutty bitch." His words came out in a cold voice.

"What the hell?!"

He towered over me, "You are mine," He walked closer to me. "I own you. You see, I know you're cheating on me. My mom was right, you're just a bitchy piece of shit."

"Evan, what the fucking hell are you talking about?"

He walked up to me and raised his hand, "I'm sorry," He went to corress my cheek.

His hard hand made contact with my face as the spot he had hit turned red, "that I don't believe your shitty acting."

He backed me up until my back slammed into the wall.

"I've got you now." He smiled creepily before coming closer to me.

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