twenty one

84 6 2

Kylie's P.O.V.

Shane left after a while saying that he had some homework to get to. It was around six o'clock when Luke and I were completely alone, with only time to interrupt us. We sat on the edge of the skate board ramp. We were sitting directly in front of the sun. We watched as it dipped lower and lower in the sky, looking as if it would be setting anything under it on fire.

This was perfect. Just me and Luke. Watching the sunset. I feel truly alive right now. I feel completed in this small moment. I have a boy sitting next to me who cares about me and I care about him. The one thing ruining this is her. Her as in Bree Sanders. I thought she was so nice! She was all like, 'Hi! I'm Bree Sanders! Did you know that I used to live in England? Teehee lol!' Fucking hell and I believed her whole act.

Out of nowhere Luke's phone buzzed. I turned towards him and watched as he picked it up and read a text.

"Hey, I gotta go... Bree wants me to come to her house real quick. Um, are my books in your car?" He asked awkwardly.

"Yeah." I said with hint of annoyance that I did not mean to show. It almost sounded like I had snapped at him.

I stood from my spot and headed down to where my car was located. I unlocked it and grabbed the books with both hands. After shutting the door with my hip, I turned around. I jumped back in surprise because of how close Luke was. My back slightly hit the door of my car. He chuckled deeply and took a step towards me. He nodded his head as he took the books from me. Our fingers touched for a brief moment before he pulled away.

I was angry. Not at him but at Bree. I don't exactly know why, but I guess Luke leaving me to go see her really set me off. Of course, I didn't show Luke that though. I wanted to show a boxing bag that. And after Luke had left, I drove straight to the Black Alley.

"Hey Kylie, nice to see ya again." Dean said as I walked inside the room.

"Hey Dean." I responded, not feeling like continuing.

I dropped my bag onto a chair before grabbing my clothes and changing in the ladies bathroom. I came out once I had changed and walked over to the punching bag. I repeatedly hit it with the correct motions, pretending that it was Bree.

"Someone looks angry, what's up?" Dean asked.

"Nothing." I mumbled to him.

He sighed, "Really?"


"Alright, I'll let go," He said. "So, are you doing anything this Friday?"

"Depends, does sleeping count as plans?"

He laughed and said, "I was just wondering if you wanted to maybe grab a bite with me on Friday?" He asked looking over at me with shaky hands.

I turned towards him with a small smile planted on my face. "Is Mr. Dean asking Ms. Kylie out on a date?"

"W-Well," He swallowed with his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. He looked at the ground before replying. "if you want it to be, then yeah."

He looked up at me with his eyes and gave me a small grin.

"Where are we gonna go?" I asked with excitement.

"It's a surprise, babe."

When Dean called me babe, I felt this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. It's not like when Luke calls me babe. It's different, unusual, bubbly, but it's still not like when Luke does it. I'm not really sure what either of these things mean.

I jumped down onto my bed and dreaded the fact that I had to do my homework. I had procrastinated a lot. I had went to the skatepark, the gym, took a shower, and ate some food. It's currently 7:00 PM. Ew. Homework.

I ended up finishing around 8 seeing as I only had a few things to do and I really understood the things we were learning. I stood from the desk after packing up my backpack for school tomorrow. My phone buzzed, signaling a text. I gripped my phone in my hand before clicking on iMessages. I noticed that it was a text from Calum.

'hey bish wanna hang out <3 X'

'no go away'

'</3 you get no x's'

'ok ok I'm sorry. plz forgive me <3 XXX'

'well since your begging... ugh fine now get off ur knees x'

'alright I'm up. whatcha wanna do X'

'you XXXXXX'


I changed into a black jeans, tanish brown ankle boots, a grey T-shirt, and held a fringey black leather purse.

I met with Calum around 8:30, telling my parents I was going to get some food since I didn't feel like having what they were having. It was kinda the truth, I really don't like that Alfredo stuff. I'm sorry, I'm just extremely picky.

I climbed into my electric blue sports car of some type and drove to Cal's. I saw him standing outside on his porch. I pulled up and got out, but he did not notice me. He was having a conversation with a friend, or possibly neighbor. I walked to the other side of my car and leaned back on it, waiting for Cal to finish up. The other boy had brown hair and a chiseled face. From what I could tell, he had sharp green eyes and was about 6 foot 0". He definitely had abs that I could see through his shirt. They stood talking for a few minutes before I grew a little too impatient.

"Hey asshole! Ya ready?" I asked in my American accent that was not native to the Australian country I was living in.

They both turned around, stunned at the break in their conversation. There mouths hung open at the sight of me and my car. Hopefully it was more the car for them. I already have enough feelings going around for guys. I had to divert my attention from them to my phone, to not get either of these boys stuck in my head. You know when you have a favorite band or a few different crushes and you just can't pick your favorite? That's how I feel 24/7. Ugh.

"Hey, I didn't know you had a girlfriend Cal." The boy's eyes rolled over me once or twice when I noticed what a dick he already was. He's just another annoying hormonal teenage boy who thinks that he can get laid whenever he wants to. I scoffed before moving to the other side of the car, so my body was unseen by the two. Damn I should've worn some sweats.

"We're not dating." We said at the same time.

Calum is cute and all but I don't know. He's one of my best friends and it would just be weird.

"So what I'm hearing is your available?" He smirked.

"Nope, now fuck off you prick."

Calum glared at his rude friend and got into the car with me. I started up the engine once again and pressed down on the gas pedal. We drove forward, heading towards the street.

"So, where are we gonna go?" I questioned.

He thought for a minute before replying, "How 'bout a movie?"

I nodded in agreement and zoomed off to the nearest movie theater, seeing that it was 10 till 9.

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