thirty seven

33 0 1

A/N: I imagine the the boys look like this except Luke's hair is turning slowly into a quiff and Michael's already died his hair red and Ashton's hair isn't as straight, but kinda curly.

Sorry for any confusion. :/

Kylie's P.O.V.

The sun burned the lids of my eyes and caused me to wake up. I sat up from my bed and pulled my legs over the side. I shrieked as I noticed a boy asleep on the couch in my room.

He fell off the furniture and onto the ground with a yell. "What the hell Kylie?"

I examined his face before my eyes went wide.

"Oh my God, Nolan I'm so sorry." I laughed and hid my face in my hands.

"It's alright," He gave goofy grin. "hey, do you have any aspirin or something I can take? My head is pounding."

"Uh, yeah. You drank last night?"

He nodded, "I shouldn't of. This headache kills."

"Plus you're underage." I rolled my eyes.

"So are you." He shot back.

"I'm not when I'm in Australia. And I lived there forever so I'm pretty sure my parents trust me enough to drink." I laughed again.

Nolan left my house around 2 PM, leaving me to just lay around my house. My computer buzzed after a while of being on it.

Incoming Skype call from: Ashton Irwin

I quickly accepted the call, desperate for something to do.

"Hey Kylie! Guess what!" Ashton's smiley face popped up onto my screen.


"I'm in a band!"

"Really?" I smiled excitedly. "With who?"

He nodded with a grin. "Me, Calum, Michael, and Luke!"

"That's great Ashton! I should listen to your music some time!"

"How about right now? The boys are about to come over for practice!" Ashton giggled.

I hesitated for a minute, realizing Luke would be there, but then quickly agreed. I don't need to give a shit about Luke. He's still an asshole, but it won't hurt to listen to there music, would it? No, of course not.

"Let's surprise them! Don't talk during the song, and when it's over I'll tell them that you are on here." Ashton told me, practically bouncing up and down. "We already have sung a few covers and posted them on YouTube. We even have fans! Luke just wrote our first song too!"

I was surprised to hear how successful they already were. I remembered the picture on Instagram I saw a few days ago.

"Are you guys called Five Seconds of Summer by any chance?"

His eyes went wide. "How'd you know?"

"Saw a photo on Instagram from a girl back home. Apparently, you guys are hot."

He scoffed. "Apparently? Honey, I've always been smokin'."

We laughed a bit until a knock was heard from his door. He put his finger up to his lips before answering it. He let the four boys into the basement.

I watched as they all set up, keeping my giggles to myself.

"So, you wanna play your new song Luke?" Ashton asked Luke.

Luke blushed a bit and looked down. "Sure but it's kinda a slow song. Don't make fun of me." He glared at the three boys.

He passed them all a few papers and I noticed as Ashton sat behind the drum kit. Calum and Michael each grabbed a guitar. I watched as they all looked over the papers, Ashton forgetting that I was still skyping him. Luke made his way over to the mic and read over what was written on it. He mouthed a few words from the paper, but I could not decode what he was saying.

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