forty two

21 0 0

A/N: SORRY ITS SO SHORT! I just couldn't think of anything else to write and I wanted to get his chapter published. It's kinda a filler and short sorry!
-Cat :-)

Kylie's P.O.V. (Still morning scene from last chapter)

"I love you too." I smiled a bit before sighing. "I'm sorry I didn't trust-"

"You don't need to be sorry for anything."

"God, we're such a mess..." I mumbled after a little bit of silence, laying my head against Luke's chest.

He stroked my hair and pushed some of it behind my ear. He leaned his lips down to my ear and spoke into it, his lips brushing against my skin and causing me to shiver.

"Let's pretend like we're not."

I smiled a closed smile before nodding slowly. Luke held me closer to him, the only sound heard is the cars outside.

"Would you like to come see the band play our first gig today? I'd really like you to be there. I won't be as nervous once I find you in the crowd." His cheeks pinked a bit.

"Sure, I haven't heard much of you guys yet." I grinned again.

I've been smiling a lot lately.

He spoke to me in a soft voice, "So about that song, All Of The Stars,"

"The one you wrote me," I nodded for him to continue.

"Do you want me to keep that as our secret song... like not really have people hear it-" Realization crossed his face. "not that I don't want them to its just-"

"I know what you mean, and yeah, our secret song. Just ours, nobody else's."

"God we've gone soft."

I agreed with a laugh. "We sure have."

After a few minutes, we finally got up and out of bed. After dressing in sweatpants and a random t-shirt, I began to brush my teeth. Luke walked into the bathroom, wrapping his arms around my waist. He held my hair in one of his hands so that toothpaste wouldn't get into it. After rinsing, he let me go so he could use the bathroom. I let out a small scream as he pulled both his pants and underwear down before I could fully leave. I slammed the door shut before I could see anything.

He let out a low chuckle and after a few moments I heard a flush and the sink turning on.

I munched on a bowl of cereal and listened to Luke's footsteps as he made his way downstairs. Michael had left a note saying that he had gone out with the boys after he heard a few moans coming from upstairs. I smiled with a bit of a blush before Luke appeared over my shoulder to read it.

He laughed softly with a grin permanent on his face.

Michael's P.O.V. (The night before)

I bounded down the stairs with my hands waving in the air. "Guys! Guys! Guys!"

"What, what, what?" Calum asked as Ashton looked up at me from his drum set with raised eyebrows.

"Kylie's here!" I whisper-screamed and pointed upstairs.

Their eyes went wide with surprise, excitement, and curiosity.

"Is she okay?!"

"Are Luke and her talking?!"

"Is she hurt?!"

"How did she get here?!"

I shushed them before answering each question.

"I think she's okay, but I don't know..."

"Yes Luke and her are up there talking."

"She... she is hurt..."

"I have no idea."

After a few minutes of trying and failing at eavesdropping, muffled moans erupted from upstairs.

I wrinkled my nose and covered my ears. "Eww! That's disgusting! Luke's like my brother and she's like my sister! That's messed up as fuck!"

"I'm taking it that they made up." Ashton laughed and before pretending to throw up.

Calum wore a horrified look before darting out of the basement and out of the house, obviously scarred from two of his best mates doing the dirty right above our heads. We all followed after, me stopping in the kitchen to write out a note for them.

After scribbling the words onto the paper, I bolted out the door.

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