Life Changes

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Two months later, the babies arrived, with no real complications. The younger of the two boys was premature due to his later conception, but was considered perfectly healthy and was only kept in the hospital for a week of observation due to his lower birth weight. Now, Jared and Krickitt had both of their babies home, and were trying to adjust to life as new parents. The older of the two boys was named Asher, and the younger, Forest. They both had their father's shining blue eyes.

It was late at night and they finally got both fussy boys to sleep. They knew they had a small opportunity for some shut eye. They got into their shared bed snuggled comfortably in each other's embrace. "I'm fucking exhausted." Krickitt expressed. "I know. I just think I'm too old for this parenting thing." said nearly 50-year-old Jared. They both laughed. "You're a lot younger then most people are at your age. You act younger than me sometimes. You'll be fine." She yawned and rested her head on his chest. She fell asleep to the steady rhythm of his breathing.

About two hours later, one of the babies started crying through the baby monitor. Jared opened his eyes and stretched his back before getting up out of bed. Krickitt woke up too, and was getting up to go with him to check on the infants. "I got it, Angel, just go back to sleep." She grinned sleepily, "Okay" and she laid back down and cozied up under the covers. Jared left the room and went down the hall to the twins' nursery.

After he fed Forest, Asher woke up hungry. Both boys got their tiny bellies full and their eyes grew tired again. Jared couldn't help but smile at his sons. He was so proud to be their dad. He couldn't believe that he and Krickitt had built this amazing life together. He loved her and the twins more than he ever thought possible. Now, he thought, all there is left to do is make their union official. Legally, that is. He had a ring custom made before the babies were born and he'd had it for weeks now, just waiting for the perfect moment to propose to the love of his life.

Tonight was the night. He could just feel it. He had hidden the ring deep in his closet. He fetched it quietly. He saw his beautiful Krickitt, sleeping soundly in the moonlight. She was as lovely as the day he met her. The time in between now and then has felt like a lifetime, and just a brief moment, all at the same time. They've had an amazing adventure so far, although it hasn't always been pretty. It's been very rocky, in fact. But they've made it through. Now they have a wonderful relationship and two beautiful little boys. He needed to make Krickitt his wife, and everything would be complete.

Jared gently crawled onto the bed next to her. He carefully touched her shoulder as she lay on her side, shaking her slightly. "Krickitt, baby, wake up." He whispered, so as to not startle her. "Angel." She stirred, opening her eyes. She winced a little at the moonlight in her face. "Whaat? You told me I could sleep. Are they okay?" "They're fine. I know, I'm sorry for waking you. I just couldn't wait any longer." She sat up on her elbow and rub some sleep out of her eye. "Wait for what?" He took the little box out of his sleep pants pocket, showing it to her.

He opened the jewelry box, revealing a sparkling ring. Krickitt covered her mouth with her hand in disbelief. "Krickitt Marie Tanner, I love you beyond what I thought humanly possible. My life is better, way way better because you're in it. It's been the greatest adventure since the day I met you. You're my dream. My family. You've given me two perfect children. My sweet Angel, will you be my wife?"

She was stunned. She just woke up and was trying to process his dazzling speech and what all this meant. She couldn't believe that she felt...unsure? "Jared, I- I don't know what to say." His smile faded, "Say yes." He was almost about to break down. If only she'd just come to her senses, he thought. "I don't know if I can." She began to cry. She sat up in the bed. He shut down, feeling the biggest load of rejection he'd ever imagined. He closed the box, feeling his world crashing down. "I'm so sorry. It's just the last few months have been hard for me. For us. And with the babies, I just don't think we need any added stress." He turned away from her and stood up. She immediately got up and hugged him tightly from behind.

"This does not mean I don't love you. Things are good. Let's just not complicate it." "You're saying no to me." He said plainly. "Just for right now. We can get married anytime, when the time is right." "I thought now was the right time." She rubbed his upper arms. "I'm just not ready. Not yet, Jared. Let's just enjoy where we are." He shrugged away her touch, "I might need some time before I can do that.'' he said before leaving the room. Krickitt's heart raced, knowing that they may never be the same after this. Her soul ached for him, she knew he wasn't taking this well at all. She loved him with her whole heart, but with everything they had been through, she was not ready to take any risks, especially so quickly after the babies were born. One monumental life change at a time was enough for her fragile well-being.

Jared sat on the couch in the living room. He was thankful that Krickitt didn't follow him, he didn't know if he could keep it together in front of her. He spent the night going over his whole proposal speech, thinking maybe if he had said something differently or added more, maybe she would have said yes. This was breaking him. Did she not want to get married or did she not want to marry him? At this point, he wasn't sure if they'd make it through this, like they had done with other obstacles in their relationship.

a/n- sorry this took so long, I was trying to make it as perfect as I could for those of you who have been following this story for awhile. I'm not sure if this will have very many more chapters. Anyway, will they make it through this rift?? Let me know what you think! thank you for reading!

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