Oh, Baby

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Several weeks later, it was time for Krickitt's date in court with Andrea. Krickitt wasn't feeling her best, and was fighting nausea. Jared had spent the night. He offered to keep her company before the stressful event. "Do you think you're pregnant?" He asked as the two of them were getting ready in the morning. Krickitt groaned, "I keep thinking that if I avoid taking a test, I won't be pregnant." "Test or no test, a baby will come regardless. So, might as well know for sure." "It can wait. Let's get this court shit over with." He wrapped his arms around her waist, "I hate that Andrea's even gotten this far and is putting you through this." She gave him a halfhearted smile, "Kent says we have a pretty good chance at winning. Hopefully everything goes as well as we want it to."

Inside the courtroom, Krickitt and Kent sat on the defendant side and Jared sat directly behind them. Andrea entered the room, with a noticeably larger stomach. Krickitt frowned at the sight of her. Andrea was such an awful excuse for a human being, how could she fathom being a parent? Suddenly, something dawned on her and she shot a look back at Jared. He seemed just as stunned as she was. Krickitt felt her stomach drop and her throat clenched. Everyone was seated and the case proceeded.

"My client would like to address the court at this time." Andrea's lawyer spoke. Soon afterwards, Jared and Krickitt heard Andrea's voice. "As you all have probably noticed, I am in no condition to move forward with this case. My doctor has informed me that this pregnancy is high-risk, and I cannot afford the stress. I am dropping all charges." Krickitt frowned and quickly looked at her lawyer, Kent. The judge dismissed everyone, officially dropping the case.

Krickitt and Jared walked out together, but she wouldn't stand too close to him. "It's yours, isn't it?" "I have no idea. I guess it could be." "You guess it could be?!" "Jesus, I'm sorry! She does have a fiancé, you know." "I overheard her tell someone that her boyfriend isn't able to have kids." Krickitt put her head in her hands. He stood behind her and put his hands on her shoulders in an attempt to comfort her. "Krickitt, baby, I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say other than we don't know anything for sure yet." He wrapped his arms around her. He was at a loss and didn't know what he could do to soothe her. "I love you."

Andrea came out of the courtroom, marching toward them. "I know what your thinking and yes, it's yours." Jared scoffed, "Like you could only spread your legs for two guys for any duration of time. I want a DNA test." "And you shall have one. At your own expense, of course." Krickitt couldn't stomach her former boss's presence any longer and simply had to walk away. "Whatever, Andrea." Jared scoffed and took off after Krickitt.

"Are you still getting a pregnancy test?" He asked on the way home. "It's amazing that you can even think clearly right now. You could be having a child with that nasty excuse of a human." Krickitt replied. "You could be having a child too." She laughed at his statement humorlessly and rolled her eyes. "I meant we. I'm sorry, this whole thing really is messing with me. A month ago, I never thought I'd have kids, now I could possibly have two on the way. One with someone I despise, and one with the person I love. Just so you know, I'm not thinking clearly right now."

Krickitt decided to stop being testy with him and cut him some slack, as he was going through a lot. She also couldn't take her mind off of the fact that he referred to her as the person he loves. She leaned over toward his driver's seat in the car and link her arm underneath his. "I'm sorry. I love you, Jared." She put her hand on his other cheek, gently pulling his face toward her so she could kiss him. "So are we getting you a test or what?" He asked as she pulled away from him.

A/n- It's been a hot minute with this story. Hope you liked🤓

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