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The next morning, Jared awoke before Krickitt and checked his phone. He received an email from Jack Phillips. The name sounded familiar but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He looked over at Krickitt sleeping and he carefully combed some hair out of her face and tucked the piece behind her ear. He opened up the email and it read:

My name is Jack Phillips. I believe you and Andrea Rule had an affair behind my back nearly two years ago. That is not why I'm contacting you though. I am very sorry to be the one to tell you this, but her daughter is not yours. I only know this because she recently tried to tell me that I was the biological father, I suspect in an effort to get more money. She said she somehow forged your paternity test results. My research tells me that the girl's real father is a man that Andrea cheated on both of us with. Mr. Leto, again I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your brother, Shannon Leto, is the father.

Jared could not read on any further. He felt his entire universe crashing down. He couldn't believe it. His little girl was not his. He could kill that bitch Andrea with his bare hands. And in the middle of it all was his brother. How could Shannon get involved in this and father Andrea's child? Of course! Andrea had it all planned out. Perhaps she figured a Hollywood actor/musician would generate the income she so desired to accommodate for the lifestyle of her child. That is, if said actor/musician worked consistently, or on big-budget projects, which Jared hardly ever did either. Apparently, Andrea was not too mindful of that factor. She went on to claim Jared as the father, knowing that he wasn't, and she would be in the clear because the little girl would grow to look like a Leto. However, Andrea's plan did not work out to her financial liking, so she went back to her ex pining for money.

He felt his blood boiling and his hands were balled into fists. He was shaky, and in a fit of rage, he stood, picked up the bedside table and threw it across the room. The crash of breaking wood woke Krickitt in a fright. Jared had forgotten she was even there. "What's going on?!" She demanded, clutching the sheet to her chest. He tossed his phone to her on the bed. He went to the bathroom while she read the email.

When she finished, she found him in the shower. She pulled the curtain back slightly. "Oh, Jared, I'm so sorry she's done this." She reached over and caressed his wet face. "I can't even imagine what you're going through. I'm here for you, my angel." Her use of the petname he had originally called her brought him back to his senses. He internally begged her to stay with him. He needed her now more than ever.

"Krickitt, what the hell am I going to do now?" He asked weakly, she could tell he'd been crying. "You need to talk to Shannon and see if there's any truth to what Jack said and have him get a DNA test done. Beyond that is up to you, Jared." Jared nodded slowly, she knew his mind was racing. "Will you come in here with me?" He asked with pleading eyes, water mixed with the tears dripping down his face. Her heart broke for him, and she wished there were something she could do to fix the situation. Jared pushed the shower curtain back further so Krickitt could join him.

They were outside of the hotel now. Jared told his brother he needed to see him. Krickitt was going to return home. "You let me know if you need anything." She said as they approached her car. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He held her close and she broke the kiss to hug him tighter. He kissed her forehead and rested his chin on her head. They held each other a few minutes more and reluctantly parted ways for the day.

"Yes, Jared. I'm so sorry, but it's true." Shannon said. It was obviously painful to admit the long-kept secret to his younger brother, but the truth had come out. "I didn't even know that you knew her. It was just supposed to be a one night stand, but we hooked up a few more times. And then you said the woman you'd been having an affair with was pregnant. I found out she was Andrea Rule and I freaked. I called her and she said it was yours. But I wanted to know for sure," he took a deep breath, "and I had a DNA test done. She always knew the baby was mine because the doctor told her the day she conceived and she was with me that night."

"She wanted you to believe you were the father. She swore me to secrecy. By the time I found out the truth, you had already been given your results and had accepted that her baby was yours. I couldn't bring myself to tell you. I couldn't betray you like that." "How could you keep up a lie like this?" "You were never supposed to find out. I was fine with it for the most part. I'd get to see the baby, and you were happy. I couldn't ruin what you had with Lana." "So you just waited for someone else to ruin it? You let me raise your child?" Jared glared at his brother, awaiting his response.

"I'm so sorry, Jared. I wish I could take it back. I love you, man, you are the one person in the world I would never dream of hurting. I only wanted you to be happy." Jared stood there for a moment, letting Shannon's words sink in. He finally spoke, "I think I need some time."

Thanks for reading!❤️

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