99 Problems

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A few days later, Krickitt still wasn't feeling well. Therefore, Jared has to attend the Met Gala solo. She surprised that he even wanted to take her anyway. It would have been their first official appearance as a couple at an event. He told her Alessandro Michele would have a dress on hand that would work for her and the year's theme, as well as coordinate with what Jared was going to wear. She loved him so much for wanting to present their relationship.

She lay on the couch in her apartment as he was about to leave to get ready for the gala. "I wish you were coming. I hate that you're sick, Angel." He said to her as he kneeled down beside the couch. "I'll be okay, babe. You better go before you're late." "I'll stay with you if you want me to. I mean, people will probably be very disappointed, but if you need me-" "Jared, you're the Gucci king." She laughed. "You have to go." He grinned confidently. "You're right, I am. Feel better, Angel. I'll be back early. I'll stay here tonight." "Okay. Have fun, I love you." "I love you, too." He kissed her forehead before he left.

Not long after Jared's departure, Krickitt's friend Liza arrived. Krickitt had asked her to bring over a pregnancy test. "Girl, I can't believe this is happening." She said as she emptied her drugstore bag, letting about ten tests drop onto the counter. "Did you get enough?" Krickitt said sarcastically, and laughed. "Well, you gotta be sure." "I guess. Well, here goes nothing." She said nervously as she opened up the first box. Krickitt thought her chest would explode with anticipation as she awaited the results later on. "It's positive! They're all positive!" Liza exclaimed.

Krickitt could barely contain herself as she waited for Jared to get home. She occupied herself by looking at Instagram photos of him on the Met Gala red carpet. He wore a red gown with jewels draped over his body. He also carried around a replica of his own head, much to the shock of everyone. She commented on one of his posts: "Who's man is this?" She received the notification that he 'liked' her comment. Finally, she heard the door open. She practically ran to him as he entered the apartment.

"Baby, are you feeling better?" He asked as they embraced each other. "Yes...Daddy." He frowned, "Daddy? Why are you calling me that? I didn't know you had a daddy kink." "No!" She laughed as she released him. "No, I mean, you're going to be a daddy." His eyes widened, "Holy shit. Angel." He caressed her face. "We're having a baby?" "Yes!" He lifted her into his arms, kissing her deeply. "I knew we could do it." He purred, making her giggle gleefully. He took her over to the couch and made love to her. Afterwards, he lay on his side next to her as she lay on her back.

"Baby, the band just announced a US tour a few days ago. I know we haven't really talked about it yet, but I was definitely going to ask you to go. I mean, I want to take care of you. Do you think you'll be okay on the road?" "I don't know why not. We'll have to talk to the doctor to be sure." He nodded, "I can't believe I didn't even realize that you were having pregnancy symptoms. I literally just thought you were sick." They both laughed. "I think maybe we just so focused on trying to get pregnant that we didn't know it could have already happened." Krickitt said. "I love you, Angel. I'm so happy." Jared spoke as he encircled her stomach with his gentle hand. "And you thought my swimmers didn't have it in them." She giggled, "I never said that." "But you had your doubts." "Well, sweetheart, you've got 99 problems but being young ain't one." He laughed and out his hand over his face. "You forgot to tell me you love me." He climbed back on top of her. She pecked his lips. "You should already know."

"Oh shit. I forgot something." He lifted himself off of the couch and he wrapped a blanket around his waist. He walked over to the door and Krickitt sat up to watch what he was doing. He pulled the head out of a bag and brought it to her. "I call him Jared." He said as he sat down. The thing looked more like Jared than he actually did. With its long locks, beard, and shockingly blue eyes, the resemblance was kind of scary. "This is creepy." She admitted as she held it in her hands. "You can keep him for when I'm not around." "Why are you so weird?" He ignored her question. "You can kiss him and cuddle with him." "You're joking right?" He smiled, "Of course I am." He took the head back from her. "I thought we should display him though. On your mantle or something." "No." She said firmly. He pouted, sticking out his bottom lip for emphasis. "You're no fun." "I don't want him staring at me all time." "Fine, fine. Can he watch us bang once though?" She scowled, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" "I'll take that as a yes." "Jared, no!" She tried to stop him, but was unsuccessful. He placed the head on the mantle and returned to her on the couch. She giggled as he kissed her and moved in between her legs.

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