Back Together

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Hello, hello! Have you missed Jared and Krickitt? I have! Please enjoy!

Several weeks later, Krickitt still hadn't had any contact with Jared. It killed her because she still loved him, but she knew she shouldn't deal with the stress and pain that would come with talking to him. She blocked his number, but she just knew that he hadn't stopped trying to reach her. Thirty Seconds to Mars cancelled the rest of their tour. Although she hated him for what he had done, she couldn't help but worry about his mental state. Things changed so quickly, and she genuinely hoped he wasn't in too dark of a place.

Jared didn't eat, sleep, or do anything really. All he could do was feel the emptiness after Krickitt left. He sat at home for days at a time. He'd only leave to get groceries and things, but wouldn't be able to eat anything he brought home. He always felt on edge, hating himself for losing her. He wanted to be with her more than anything he'd ever wanted in life. He couldn't stand not being there during her pregnancy. He had imagined experiencing every step with her before what happend with Valery.

One day, he snapped out of the funk he had been in, and decided to do something about the situation. He couldn't think of anything else but getting to where she was. He went to Krickitt's apartment, and when there was no answer at her door, he drove to Karly's house. He marched up to the door and knocked on it. Karly opened the door. "What are you doing here?" She demanded. "I need to talk to Krickitt, is she here?" "How about: no." "Jared?" He heard her voice from inside. Krickitt came to the corridor. "What do you want?" She asked. "I'm sorry for hurting you, Angel. It was just that one time. I'd do anything to have you and the babies back. I love you so much. Please give me a chance."

"You seriously think you can just sweet talk her and-" "Karly, please, shut up!" Krickitt shut her friend down. "Could you just give us a minute?" Karly looked at Krickitt and then at Jared and nodded before walking away. "Please, come home. I want to make you happy." She waited a moment before responding, but she couldn't stop what was in her heart. "Okay, I want to come home. I miss you." His heart ached at her words. He couldn't believe he was finally hearing them. Without a moment to waste, the pair got into Jared's car and left for home.

After a few weeks, they were getting back into the groove of being a couple. Krickitt was now seven months into her pregnancy and she was definitely feeling it. Swollen ankles and fingers were the norm for her now. She looked into the mirror and hardly recognized herself. Her face was puffy with the extra weight she was carrying and the bags under eyes let her know how much sleep she wasn't getting. With two babies being wide awake at night and kicking inside of her, she couldn't get a wink of shuteye lately.

Jared, however, was handsome and fit as ever. She hated him for it. He found her glaring at him sometimes. He thought it could just be her hormones messing with her. But then an even scarier thought came to his mind: had she still not forgiven him for what happened with Valery? He quickly shook the notion out of his head and gave all his attention to Krickitt. "Angel, you're glowing today." he cooed. Her face scrunched up, "Ugh, why do people say that? What is so glowy about this?!" She gestured down her body. Jared cleared his throat, "Well, I don't know what other people say, but I think you look amazing. Just as beautiful as the day I met you, if not even more now." She scoffed, "Whatever, Jared." he frowned, "Are you mad at me for some reason?" He had a sinking gut feeling.

"Yes, I hate you for being so perfect." Krickitt huffed before sitting down on the couch.  He  walked over to join her on the sofa. "Krickitt," he started nervously, "are you sure you've forgiven me...for what happened?" He cautiously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She took a deep breath before she responded. "Yes, Jared. I know you and you know me. And I know you'll never hurt me again. And if you do, you'll lose me for good. As much as I want to be with you, I don't think I could do this again." She wasn't confident in a lot of things, but he knew she was firm in this statement. "I still love you, Jay, don't think that I don't." She leaned over and kissed his lips. "I love you. So much." He looked down and placed his hands on her growing belly. "And you two, too. I can't wait to meet them, Krickitt." "I know, me too."

"What did you mean when you said I was perfect?" He asked, and she rolled her eyes. "You're just so hot all the time and you always have the right things to say. It's so annoying. Especially because I'm such an ugly, hot mess right now." "Babe, don't say those things, you're so fucking beautiful. I wanna jump your bones every minute of the day." She raised her eyebrows. "Really?" Jared looked deep into her eyes. "Yes. I've never wanted you more." Krickitt immediately crashed her lips to his. They hadn't made love in months. They both needed this. He picked her up bridal style. She was slightly surprised he could lift her, considering most days she felt as big as a planet.

"Now this is what you get for calling me 'hot.'" He said daringly after gently setting her on their shared bed. He stood in front of her and peeled his shirt off. His pants and underwear followed. Krickitt was only wearing a big t-shirt, so all he really had to do was take off her panties. Within a minute, he was inside her. He was very careful in his movements. He slowly rolled his hips into her and groaned. "Oh, Krickitt, you feel so good, Angel." "Mmm. I've missed this with you." She moaned. It literally only took two more minutes for her to succumb to her orgasm. She was a loud, moaning mess below him. Jared just watched her, stunned. She let out a last breathy moan, and collected herself. He frowned," Already?" "Yeah, I'm sorry, Jay. I'm just so sensitive down there. I almost had an orgasm just from riding in the car the other day." He couldn't help but laugh. "It's okay, Angel." He kissed her cheek lovingly.  

A/n mannn it's been awhile. Are you surprised they're back together? Your thoughts?? Will everything go swimmingly or will Jared have another indiscretion? Also, we're going to have some babies soon! (Can you tell I'm excited to be working on this story again? lol)

PS: If you're reading this, you probably like other hot actors as well. Feel free to check out my Timothee Chalamet smut book (accepting requests)! Thank you so much for reading! And sorry for rambling. haha.

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