The Right Thing

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"I'm not pregnant." Krickitt said as she looked at the third used pregnancy test on the bathroom counter. "What a relief." She put her hand on her head. "Well, at least we know." Jared said plainly. "Let's just hope that her baby isn't yours. You don't deserve to be attached to that woman for the next 18 years." She stepped forward to embrace him. His hand stroked her back slowly as he rested his chin on  the top of her head.

A few weeks later, Krickitt was happily working on the pre-production of Scripted Attraction. She and Jared seemed to be communicating less and less as time went on. Both of them were busy working. Jared was working nearly full time on developing a music video, among other things he does all day. And Krickitt was on board as a screenwriter. Her dream was coming true, but she hated the distance it created between her and Jared. He was the one who helped her get there, after all. She loved him, but was worried they had no spark between them anymore.

She went to Jared's house after work one night. He was sitting on the couch, looking exhausted. "Hey, how are you babe?" She asked as she sat next to him. She rubbed his back gently. He was holding an envelope and looking at it stoically. She stared at it, and her heart dropped as she realized what was inside of it. "Want me go open it?" He handed it to her. Jared braced himself. She opened it and took out the papers inside. She looked over the document and gulped. "It's yours, Jared." He took a deep breath. "Fuck." He said quietly.  

"What the fuck am I going to do?" He put his face in his hands. "You're going to be a good father." He shot her a look. "What?!" "No matter what Andrea has done, the baby is innocent. Every child deserves to be loved. All you can do is be civil enough with her to be a father. It's the right thing to do." He sighed, "I know you're right. This is going to be the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I'm lucky to have you by my side." He leaned over and kissed her temple. She gave him a soft smile and said, "It will be okay."

The next day, Krickitt was speaking with one of the cast members of the movie when someone told her Jared was there to see her. It was strange for him to visit her at work, she was a little worried. She found him outside of her trailer. "Hey, what's up?" "I need to talk to you." He was fidgety when they sat down inside the trailer. "Jared, you're scaring me. What is it?" "The chance for a European tour came up. It's for three months. I figured it'd be enough time to get my head on straight before the baby is born." Krickitt felt her heart pounding in her chest. "The problem is leaving you. I can't ask you to go with me. You have this amazing project happening for you. I don't want to mess that up."

"You're right. I can't go with you. I'd love to be with you, but I can't." She felt tears well up in her eyes. He leaned forward and cradled her face in his hands. "I think we need to end this." She admitted. "Half of me was hopeful. The other half knew this was coming. I'm heartbroken over losing you." "I love you, Jared. Maybe right now just isn't our time." He wiped her tear away. "I hope one day, I'll be the man you deserve." She touched his cheek tenderly. "You're a good man. Just do what you need to do to be a good father." "I wish to God we were having a baby instead." He clenched his eyes shut and hugged her. She smiled sorrowfully as she put her arms him tightly. Though they only knew each other for a short duration, his wish was not unwanted by her. She thought having a child would be a fun adventure with him. "Me too." "I love you, Krickitt."

They made love in Krickitt's trailer and lay in each other's arms for several minutes afterwards. "When do you leave?" She asked. "In three days." "That's really soon." He caressed her soft hair. "I'm gonna miss you so much. We can still visit each other, you know, as friends." "I'd love that." He smiled and pressed his lips to hers. She pulled away and said, "I should get back to work. They're probably wondering where I am." "I'll let them know I'm kidnapping you." Jared smirked and she giggled.

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