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Krickitt had called and met up with two of her friends, Liza and Karly. They were all sat in a coffee shop. "You fucked the Joker?!" Liza exclaimed. Krickitt waved her hands at her to get her to quiet down. "Could you not yell?" "Sorry, I just can't believe this. And he got your script accepted by a production company? I'm so happy for you!" "Yeah it's crazy. I'm overwhelmed but I can't wait to see what happens." Karly chimed in, "Are you going to see him again?" "Well I'll probably see him at functions regarding the film, but I don't think so otherwise."

"Why not?" "Because! I'm 23 and he's 46. He's always busy working on his music, and making movies, and traveling all over the world. Why would he make time for me?" Karly placed her hand on Krickitt's wrist on the table. "You never give yourself any credit. You're gorgeous and smart. You've got a heart of gold, Krickitt." Liza spoke up, "You're a great fucking catch." "He's Jared Leto. So what? You're amazing too. If he has any sense, he'll see that. Just let him."

When Krickitt returned to her car, she was relieved to see her windshield restored. She got into her car and took her phone out to text Jared.

Krickitt: Just send me the AAA bill.
Jared: I already took care of it.
Krickitt: Then tell me how much it was and I'll send you a check.
Jared: No, babe. It's okay.

Krickitt put her phone away inside of her purse and drove home. She had another text from Jared waiting for her when she was walking up to her apartment. He asked if she wanted to talk. She ignored it. This went on for three days.

Krickitt was job hunting. Being a screenwriter was awesome, however she had bills to pay right now. Ironically, she had applied and interviewed for a position at Starbucks. She felt confident that she'd get the job, considering she'd been a barista before. She was walking to her building and was stunned to see Jared sitting on the bench outside. His eyes brightened when he saw her. He stood up, "Hey, I'm glad you're okay." She maintained her composure. "Yeah, I'm fine. Bye." She walked away from him.

He followed her. "Why haven't you been responding to me? I've been worried about you, considering how upset you were last time we saw each other." She ignored him the entire walk upstairs to her apartment. "You're fighting this again." He said when they got to her door. "I really thought I had you won over that night in the office." She turned around, "Jared, I don't think this right. I appreciate your concern, but just leave me alone." "Oh, I would if I thought that's what you really wanted. But it's not is it?"

She quickly spun around and got inside. He stopped her from closing the door. He got inside the apartment with her and wrapped his arms around her body. He smashed his lips onto hers, moaning into her mouth. He pulled away and his mouth found her neck. "This. Is what you want. Isn't it?" He said in between hot kisses on her skin. She shuddered against him. Then he groped her breasts through her shirt, and she hissed quietly in discomfort. He looked at her oddly, "You okay?"

"I got my period." "Oh." He nodded, understanding. "So these are kind of sensitive right now?" He placed his hands on her breasts. She laughed, "Yeah. A little bit." He raised his eyebrows, "A lot, I'd say. You're at least a C-cup aren't you?" He gently moved his hands around feeling the size of them. "Uh-yeah. Is that okay with you?" She said with sass, putting her hands on her hips. "Of course it is." He purred then took his hands off of her. "So you're saying that if it wasn't that time on the month, you'd have sex with me?"

She smiled and blushed, "No." Krickitt walked into the kitchen area and opened the refrigerator. "You're such a terrible liar, baby." "Do you want a bottle of water?" He grinned, "Sure. I like the way you just changed the subject." She handed him a bottle and opened up hers, taking a drink. "So what else are you doing today?" She asked. "Oh, I had the day off so I decided to come make sure that you're still alive." "Well that's sweet of you." She walked back to the living area and sat on the couch. He sat next to her. "Krickitt, you can talk to me."

"I don't know, I guess I'm just insecure." "That's normal. Just don't shut out someone who cares about you." "I'm sorry, I'm just not used to being seen. It just comes as a bit of a shock." He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "You need to get used to it. I've seen you and you're incredible. Other people will too because you're brilliant. Your work will earn you attention." She turned on the tv. "That's kinda scary." "You'll be fine." He put his arm around her and rested his head on hers. "What are we going to watch?" He asked.

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