How Could You?

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Back again in the world of Jared and Krickitt. I'm going to to try to focus on this story more. Enjoy!

Over the next two weeks, Jared spent most of his time alone. Nothing like this had ever happened to him. All he could do was rack his brain for what to do next. How could he go on? What would his relationship with his brother-and best friend- be like now? Would he treat Lana as his daughter or his niece? There seemed to be no correct answers, and it was tearing him apart. The person he wanted to talk to was Krickitt, so he invited her over to his place.

"I just don't think I can go on being her father. I mean, how weird would it be for her to find out Shannon is her biological father later on in life? She'll feel like she's been lied to all her life." Krickitt nodded, "I understand. And I don't think any of you want to go through that pain. It's painful enough to know the truth." "Am I supposed to let Shannon be her father?" "If it's what you think is the right thing to do." Jared nodded at her response and then chuckled. "I'm sorry that I'm coming to you with all this. You're still young, you shouldn't be dealing with my drama."

Krickitt put a hand on his shoulder, "But I want to be there for you. I've always genuinely liked to spend time with you, no matter the situation." "You know, Krickitt, all of this has forced me to think about all the aspects of my life. And I've realized that now that I have you in my grasp, I can't let you go again. You make me feel peaceful. Through all this shit, you're the one I keep thinking about." He moved closer to her on the couch. She placed her hand on his chest.

"Jay, let's go slowly. You're going through a lot, so let's not over complicate things." He took a deep breath, "So you don't feel the same way?" "No!" She leaned forward and kissed him. "I want to be with you, I just don't want to come between you and what your family is going through." "Right, right. You deserve some time to think as well. We don't have to jump back into a relationship right now." A few minutes passed and Krickitt asked, "Do you want to go get dinner?" Jared looked over at her, "I don't know if I'm up to it." "Come on, it'll take your mind off of things." She stood up, grabbing his hand in the process. "Okay, okay." He said in defeat.

"I swear if I were to see Andrea, I would probably murder her. I'd strangle that bitch to death." Krickitt put her hand on his across the table. "Don't give her the satisfaction of hating her. She's a horrible person and she gets off on causing misery." "I know. It's hard to not let it get to me. I never should have start sleeping with her. She was so sleazy. I would say that I don't regret it because of Lana, but she's not mine." He laughed humorlessly. "I love that little girl so much, Krickitt. She doesn't deserve to be her mother."

After dinner, Krickitt took Jared home, he insisted that she spend the night, however she graciously declined. She said she had to get up early for work in the morning, which was a lie. She hated lying to him, but the truth of what she was going to do that night outweighed her guilt. She drove straight to Andrea's house. A man she had never seen before opened the door, she assumed he was a new boyfriend of Andrea's. He had no idea yet of her wicked ways. She requested that Andrea meet her outside, stating that she was an old friend.

Andrea scoffed at the sight of her former assistant as she exited the house. "What the fuck are you doing here?" "How could you do this? Why did you put these two men through this? And your daughter?" "I did what I thought would insure my child's well-being. I don't have to explain myself to you. Get the hell off of my property!" "Just in case you didn't know. You're a fucking piece of shit. Andrea, I had no idea a person could be so vindictive, so thank you for allowing me to know what evil is like in the flesh. You don't even realize what you've done. Jared and Shannon's lives will never be the same. They don't know how to go on. You're such a nasty cunt for treating your daughter's family like this."

"What did you call me? I told you to get the fuck out!" "She's going to hate you someday." With that statement, Andrea threw her fist into Krickitt's face, immediately bloodying her nose. Krickitt was brought to the ground, and suffered another blow to the ribs via Andrea's foot. Hearing the commotion, Andrea's boyfriend came back outside. "Oh my God! Andrea, what the hell is going on?" Krickitt groaned in pain and could hear a baby crying in the house. She pulled out her phone and dialed the police.

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