Extremely Rare

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Krickitt had a designated spot just off stage for each show if she wanted it. Jared didn't want her too deep into the crowd where he couldn't see her right away and she could get hurt or recognized as his girlfriend then ambushed. The Echelon were too passionate and crazy during concerts. Constance and baby Lana were to join them for the concert on this particular night. The three of them congregated together and watched their men perform. The baby in her belly kicked almost all through the concert. It was as if the baby knew it's father's voice, because when Jared started to sing, it kicked super hard.

Afterward, she made her way backstage, along with Constance and Lana. "I'm just gonna head to the bathroom really quick." She said said politely. "Of course, go ahead." Constance responded. Once she left the bathroom, she eventually found Jared and the rest of the family. She stopped in her tracks, however, when she saw him talking to a thin brunette. She racked her brain to figure out where she had seen her before. Of course! That's Valery Kaufman, Jared's 'friend' from before he and Krickitt got back together. Krickitt had Googled him several times when they were broken up. She had never admitted it to anyone, though. This was the woman he had been photographed with on and off for the past few years.

Jealousy ran through her veins as she watched her new family fawning over the Russian model. She's even younger than I am, and he used to screw her? She thought, damn, he does like them young. Even Constance was talking and laughing with her. Krickitt hadn't yet felt a real connection with the older woman, which upset her greatly. This was Jared's mother and her baby's grandmother, but they hadn't really taken the time to get to know each other. Valery touched Jared's arm in a way that Krickitt didn't care for, and he looked at her thoughtfully, softly smiling as he listened to her speak. Krickitt thought, or hoped that he only looked at her that way, considering that she was carrying his child. The child that he wanted with her and they tried for. She began to feel deeply saddened and didn't want to watch this interaction any longer.

Krickitt hustled back out to the bus. Maybe she'd lock herself in the back bedroom, alone. It's where she spent most of her time anyway. Maybe coming along on this tour was a mistake. She almost felt like she was losing herself. She cried into her pillow. She heard her phone vibrate a few times, but she ignored it. After awhile, she heard, "...fucking kidding me? No one knows where she is?!" Jared was pissed. He shoved the bedroom door open. "Thank God. Are you okay? Why did you come here by yourself? I don't want you doing that." He said firmly. "Whatever." "Are you crying? I was freaking out. No one knew where you were. Don't disappear like that again, Krickitt." "It'll be fine if I do, as long as you have that Valery girl." He frowned, "What are you talking about?"

"I saw all of you. It was like she was the greatest thing. I saw the way you looked at her, Jared." "I look at a lot of people. What's your point?" "I felt like I didn't exist! And you looked at her like.." Krickitt's voice trailed off. "Like what?!" "Like you love her or something!" He was stunned and shook his head. "I know you were with her when we were broken up." "You checked up on me?" "Yeah, I guess I did." "Angel, I think you were jealous then and you are right now." She got up off the bed to face him. "I'm the one having your baby. You should only give me those looks. That was such a terrible feeling back there." "You should have came over. I almost had a heart attack when I realized no one had seen you. I was so worried about you two." He put his hand on her belly. "Don't ever feel like you can't come up to me, no matter who I'm talking to. You're my partner, I'm proud to be with you." She pouted, "You are good to me. I'm sorry that I'm an insecure bitch." "No, I understand that you felt left out. I'm sorry. Valery doesn't mean anything to me. She never really did. She was more of an occasional hookup. She's a friend now."

"I'm sorry, Jared. Sometimes I feel strong, and then something happens that sets me back ten steps." She rested her head on his chest. "Don't be sorry. I'm always here for you, and I'm going to need you, too, when I don't feel strong. That's what this is all about. Just being there for each other." He caressed her cheek and wiped away a tear. "Can we go watch Netflix?" She asked. "Yes, baby." Mood swings, he thought as he chuckled lightly. "Just let me shower first, Okay?" "Okay." She replied as he kissed her forehead.

Krickitt sat on the edge of the bed when Jared entered the bedroom. He wore only a towel around his waist and beads of water were still dripping down his skin. "Get over here, now." She barked an order, and he was quick to comply. She yanked the towel off of his body and tossed it on the floor. She immediately grabbed his hips and took his member into her mouth. He was stunned at the intensity at which she was working, but he loved it. He threw his head back and held onto the back of her head, feeling her soft hair as she took every inch of him.

"You're all mine, Mr. Leto." She said as she took a short break from pleasing him. Her tongue teased the tip of him. "Who do you belong to?" Krickitt demanded his answer. Jared bit his lip to quiet a moan, "You, my naughty Angel." She giggled and put him in her mouth again. The door opened, "What the fucking fuck, guys?!" Shannon exclaimed, shutting the door immediately. "What is it with you two? Jesus!" They heard him outside the door. "Oh my gosh, that poor man." Krickitt laughed as she put her hand over her face. "Pregnant women have needs, Shannon.." Jared shouted back at him, but his big brother was quick to silence him. "I'm not listening!"

They spent the night at the venue, and Krickitt and Jared were to fly to LA for an ultrasound. The were outside of the bus, gathering whatever luggage they needed. "I'm gonna go get our tickets from Shayla before I forget." Jared kissed Krickitt's cheek before heading off to find his assistant. She took a moment to make sure she had everything she needed, and after a moment she heard footsteps. She was expecting Jared, but her eyes were met with the Russian model. "Hi." Valery greeted her. "Hi." Krickitt said curtly. "I meant to thank Jared for last night." "What do you mean?" Valery crosses her arms confidently. "Oh, for the sex." Krickitt scoffed, "Shut up." "No, really. We did it back stage. After, he said he had to go find you." "Whatever, I don't believe you." "Okay, well, I guess you'll know for sure if I start to look like you in a few months." She put her hand on Krickitt's belly. "The more little Jareds the better, huh?" She smiled devilishly. Krickitt shoved her hand away, "Don't fucking touch me." "Bye." Valery smiled before walking away.

Her blood was boiling after the interaction with Jared's former flame. He came back over to her eventually. "What's wrong?" "Valery said you guys fucked last night." He frowned dumbly, "You didn't believe her, did you?" "Of course not. It's just, who does she think she is saying that to me. She touched my stomach and was like 'the more Jareds the better'  like she was insinuating that she was pregnant. Like, lady, you're fucking nuts." "Jesus, she said that? I'm not talking to her ever again. Fuck that shit." He grabbed her hand and their luggage and left for the airport.

Once they finally got home to LA, it was time for the doctor's appointment. The doctor, Dr. Anderson, noticed something strange during the ultrasound, and began to investigate it further. Krickitt's heart was beating hard, and Jared took her hand. "There seems to be a second heartbeat. But one has developed more than the other." Dr. Anderson pointed at the screen. The expectant couple looked at the screen, where two fetuses were clearly visible. One was a little bit larger than the other. "It appears that you are having twins, but they were not conceived at the same time. I think this is a superfetation case." Their doctor seemed to be amazed. "What does this mean?" Krickitt was confused, and anxious.

"It means that you got pregnant with each fetus separately rather than the exact same time. I would say that they are about two to three weeks apart. This is extremely rare. I've only heard of a few cases like this in medical history." "Is there anything we should be worried about?" Jared, the concerned father asked. "As long as the remainder of the pregnancy goes as planned, with no complications. Your babies will more than likely be born at the same time, but the younger one will probably be premature. However, if I'm guessing correctly and they're only a couple of weeks apart, there shouldn't be too much to worry about. With time, both of your babies will be perfectly healthy after they are born."

Krickitt could feel the weight piling up on her shoulders. "As a precaution, though, I would recommend that you take it easy from now on. No stress, over-excitement, or anything of that nature. I advise you to stay home, rather than travel like you have been. Take these steps, and everything should be fine. I'll see you at your next scheduled appointment. Call me if you have any questions or concerns. Congratulations, by the way." Dr. Anderson smiled before leaving the room. Krickitt and Jared looked at each other, and he put his hand on her shoulder, hoping to ease her tension. They both needed time to absorb this new information.

Please know that I don't claim to be an expert on pregnancy, or this particular type of pregnancy. I though it was interesting and would be a neat thing to write about in this story. Thanks for reading! And please leave me some feedback, it's greatly appreciated!❤️

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