The Truth

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The couple returned to Jared's house. They did not say much to each other on the way there. As they walked into the kitchen, he decided to lighten the mood. "My sperm are even more powerful than I thought." "Yeah, nice job, Daddy. This is so strange, it doesn't even feel real. We're having two babies." "I guess we should discuss what we're going to do about the tour." "There's nothing to discuss. I'm staying in LA." "Okay." He slowly went over to sit on the couch. "So, What are you going to do, Jared?" "What do you mean?" "You still want to tour?" She knew how important the Echelon were to him, but she hoped that he would want to be with her during this fragile time.

"I lied to you, Krickitt." Her heart started pounding. "What?" "Come here, Angel, please." She walked over to the couch. "Sit down." He put a hand on the cushion next to him. "I don't know if I want to." She said firmly. "What, Jared?" He took a deep breath, "I messed around with Valery." Krickitt felt like something had knocked the wind out of her. "You son of bitch, I believed you! You made me think there was no way she was telling the truth! Fuck you, Jared!" Her blood was boiling again, and she thought about storming off to the bedroom, but that whole space was his. The entire house made her think of him. He got on his knees in front of her and grabbed her hands. She couldn't hold onto his hands. "I'm so sorry, Angel, please don't leave me! I wasn't thinking. I just fell into an old habit. I'm cutting ties with her, baby, you're the only one I want." She began to cry. "You made love to me that night, that's so fucked up." She yanked her hands out of his grasp.

"I'm the worst motherfucker in the world for that and for lying. The whole way here I debated on telling you or not. The doctor said no stress.. I hate myself for putting you through this. I love you, Krickitt. I want our family so much. I don't know how I could have hurt you like this." He was crying, too. She hadn't seen him like this since he found out Lana was Shannon's. "I can't do this. I can't be around you." "Angel, please.." "Don't call me that!" She shoved him away from her and went to the kitchen. She pulled out her phone and called her friend, Karly. He was too lost in his own thoughts to listen to the entire phone conversation. He could only make out Krickitt saying, "pick me up."

"I don't want you to go." He said. "What do you expect me to do?! You cheated on me and lied to my face about it! I'm pregnant with your babies, and I can't have this stress right now. I can't even stand to look at you." She gathered her luggage and went to the door. He followed her outside. "I understand, but you can stay. I'll leave." "It's your house, where are you gonna go?! Is she in town or something?!" "I told you, I'm not talking to her." He insisted. "Yeah, I don't believe you, Jared." "It's the truth. I can't lose you again, Krickitt." "Maybe you should have thought about that before you fucked her." She refused to look at him although his eyes were glued to her.

"We didn't.. we just kissed, and she.." He closed his eyes like he was in pain. "She gave me a blowjob." Krickitt scoffed, "Well, I guess you didn't really need the one I gave you that night." She laughed, "At least you had the decency to shower in between women. You fucking asshole." He hated that she was speaking to him this way, even though he deserved it. "I love you." He touched her belly. "I need you. Please don't go." He attempted to pull her closer to him. She was crying, and eventually she gave in and cried into his chest. A car pulled into the driveway. "You son of bitch! You think since you're hot you can just cheat on your pregnant girlfriend?! I'll fuck you up!" Krickitt's friend, Karly has arrived.

"Karly, stop. Let's just go." Krickitt walked away from Jared and towards Karly's car . "Krickitt, please stay." He pleaded. "Fuck off! You're lucky I don't rearrange your pretty face for you." He ignored the threat, he only saw Krickitt getting into the car, and taking his heart with her.

A/n-Short chapter and I'm sorry about it. Not really sure what to do with this story.

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