Krickitt's Work

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Dinner was now over. They decided to shoot the film in New York. How generic, Krickitt couldn't help but say to herself. "Tanner, catch a cab." Andrea said then turned to Jared, and she pulled his face to hers and made out with him. Jared, however, didn't close his eyes. Instead, he stared at the younger of the two women. This made Krickitt uneasy. Eventually, Andrea stopped and got in her car and it drove off.

Krickitt was facing the street watching for a taxi. Jared walked up behind her and slid his hand into hers and their fingers interlocked. She felt her face get hot. "Wanna come home with me?" He watched her face for her reaction. "Are you still sleeping with her?" She didn't look over at him. "I had sex with her last weekend. But as of now, it's over. She means nothing to me." She rolled her eyes, "You just kissed her." "She kissed me. I didn't kiss her." He pulled her closer to him, releasing her hand. He leaned in, but she backed away.

"No. Not right now." She held onto his arms. "Your words continue to contradict your actions." He purred, then kissed her face. "The things I want to do to you, Krickitt." "Why?" She questioned, "Why do me?" He grinned, "Because I can tell that you're beautiful on the inside as well. You're driven and smart. You're nothing like other women I know. Plus you haven't thrown yourself at me." "Is that what you expect? Women to just get on their knees for you right away?" He let go of her. "Of course not. But it has happened. It's like they think that I can do something for them, career or fame wise. You don't want fame, Krickitt, you actually have a passion."
"Can I show you something?" She gazed into his eyes. He smiled, "Yes." "Get us a damn cab first." She laughed and smacked his chest lightly. "Right, right." He chuckled.

They made it to Krickitt's place. She led him to the living area and picked up a big stack of paper off of the coffee table. She handed it to him. "Oh, cool. I've actually been dying to read your work." Then he noticed the title. "Scripted Attraction? What is this?" "I started writing it after that meeting where you said the plot needed to change. After you left here that night I stayed up to start writing. I just finished it last night." "You rewrote the script?" "Yeah, I used the same characters' names, but everything else came from my mind."

He was excited now. "I'm definitely reading this." He sat the script back down on the table. "But I have to know-since you've got me all horned up now from your creativeness- are you going to invite me into your bed?" He was being straight forward and Krickitt admired that. "I really want to..but let's just wait. Think of how great it will be if we keep getting to know each other." He nodded, "Okay. I love your maturity. It makes me forget that you're 23." He picked up the script, "Walk me out, babe."

Kinda smutty.

They walked over to her door. He put his hand on the doorknob. "Listen, the first time we fuck, it'll be difficult for me to be gentle." His words and his voice alone started to make her wet. "Bye." He kissed her and she put her hands on his face. His stubble was growing and it felt soft on her fingers. He pulled away from her and opened the door and left. The door was closed and she rested her back against it. Her hand immediately found her panties underneath her skirt. She started rubbing her clit with fast motion. Jared had held her hand earlier, therefore she had an idea of how big his hands were.

She pictured his roughed up hands feeling her wetness up and down. His large fingers attacking her clit. His mouth was next. She knew he was an amazing kisser. She could only imagine what his tongue could do down there. Her fingers glided with ease as she began to moan. "Fuck, Jared." She whimpered.

The next morning, Krickitt woke up and checked her phone. She had received a text from Jared around 2:30 a.m.
Jared: I'm only about half way done with it but it is so fucking good. You have a gift, Krickitt!
She blushed and smiled at his words in the screen.
Krickitt: Thank you! I'm glad you like it.

She was at work now, doing some stuff online for Andrea. She heard footsteps coming toward her. She looked up and Jared was headed her way. She noticed the script in his hand as he approached her desk. "This is one of the best scripts I've ever read. The guy falls in love with a good woman, not caring if it effects his career. And the girl starts abusing drugs and banging everyone while in the pursuit of perfection. It's attraction to the good and bad in life. This deserves to be a fucking movie."

"Well thanks, Jared but that can't happen. I'll take it back now if you're done with it." She reached for it but her tapped her hand away humorously. "Like hell I'm going to let you have it. I'm giving it to Andrea." Krickitt started whisper-yelling. "Are you fucking crazy? As soon as she sees my name on it she'll flip the fuck out!" He showed her the title page. Her name had been replaced with "Peter Powers." "What the hell are you doing, Jared?" "Like the name? I came up with it myself. Can you let her know I'm coming in?" "No! I'm not going to do that!" "Fine. I'll just walk in." He then made his way toward Andrea's office. "Jared!" She called after him, but she knew she was now powerless. If she followed him Andrea would definitely know something was up.

About twenty minutes later, Jared came back to Krickitt's desk. "What the hell happened in there?!" She demanded. "She's going to read it. I told her that Peter Powers is a writer friend of mine." "Why are you doing this?" He got serious, "Your work is amazing. You deserve recognition. She's going to love it. It'll be worth it in the long run." "Jesus Christ, Jared, when she finds out it's me-" "Who cares? Most likely, by that time, you could be more powerful than she is." She shook her head at him. "It's going to be okay. Trust me. I should get out of here. I'll see you later, babe." She felt like she couldn't breathe because her nerves were though the roof. Nonetheless, she started to want Jared more.

Scripted AttractionWhere stories live. Discover now